To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Warn Syria and World: Chem Weapons will Cause Immediate Strikes

I think the best solution would be to let Syria know that IF another Chemical Weapons attack is ever used again, there will be immediate and damaging strikes at that time. All are fairly warned. All Syria's supporters will then be motivated to advise Syria to never do it again. They will be more accepting and I think more allies will cooperate/participate, if Syria makes that gross miscalculation a second time.

Why is this important?

I was terrified when Obama was planning too quickly and unilaterally to act against Syria. But now that he is engaging Congress, the American Public, and the world leaders in the discussion, I am deeply grateful and relieved. This is a vitally important and difficult decision. I admire the British for saying no to the speed of the decision when the intelligence was still incomplete. Bush's horrible rush to war in Iraq due to botched/prejudiced intelligence is still very clear in all our memories. It is healthy for a democracy to look at this rationally and comprehensively. Let us listen to Obama on Tuesday, September 10, do our own research, and listen to our own conscience. Regime change is never going to work, as we have hopefully learned. A strike to teach a lesson may be a good idea. I think the best solution would be to let Syria know that if another Chemical Weapons attack is ever used again, there will be immediate and damaging strikes at that time. All are fairly warned. All Syria's supporters will then be motivated to advise Syria to never do it again. They will be more accepting and I think more allies will cooperate/participate, if Syria makes that gross miscalculation a second time. It will be far less likely to cause World War III. Right now it is a hornets nest and anything is possible, with multiple retaliatory attacks probable.