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To: Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, Dr Adams, all Governors, Vice President Pence, President Trump

We Need a National COVID-19 Mitigation Program With Out Further Delay

Dear friends,
When it comes to managing a global pandemic the United States is still one country, not a 50 countries. We, therefore, need a uniform coronavirus mitigation program. The damage is irreversible when different states decide to establish their own guidelines.
We are getting mixed messages from the White House Task Force on COVID-19:
- It is serious but we cannot close the whole country.
- The next two weeks are very important but we are not closing the whole country.
- We are going to face many deaths in the next two weeks and then immediately talk about the economy, which is disrespectful to those who passed away, their families and citizens of a scared nation.
Sooner or later we must close the whole country. Unfortunately, that will come after more people suffered preventable deaths. This virus is an equalizer and grows exponentially. It is about all of us, it is not about the states and it is about the country. This is not the time to talk about the economy. Let us restore good health first and worry about the economy. We need good governance.

Thank you and keep safe,
Enku Kebede-Francis, PhD, MS, MEd
Wellesley, Massachusetts

Why is this important?

We need a national program to defeat COVID-19.


2020-04-06 22:39:41 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-06 13:58:51 -0400

10 signatures reached