To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
We refuse to have sex with Republicans
We refuse sex with anyone who plans to vote the Romney/Ryan/Republican Ticket. We will not yield Roe v Wade to religious fanaticism mixed into our legislative fabric. We will defend all womens right to choose when to have a baby.
Why is this important?
It is infuriating that anti-abortionists have been allowed to coin the self description of "pro-life" when committment to it stops at the first breath. This is evident in every position Republican politicians take. They oppose planned parenthood, PBS, head start, after school programs, free school lunches, art and music in school, they oppose controlling guns or ammo clips by any degree, they declared a war on drugs and privatized jails, making penal systems a for profit business. They are always rushing to war. They oppose universal access to health care and cut WIC funding. That's how "pro-life" they are and I'm only skimming the surface so this petiton doesn't get too long. Now they have openly declared a plan to overturn Roe v Wade. Ryan stated it plainly. These religious fanatics want to impose their highly debatable religious ideas on everyone. If there is no seperation between church and state, then we'll have to start stoning adulterers to death. I would really like any far right christian to tell me about how different their theocratic ideas are from the taliban's shariah law. It offends me that they pretend it's biblical that life begins at conception. They didn't know any embryology 6 thousand years ago. Life has always been recognized as out of the womb viability, at the first breath; during pregnancy it was a potential, not a person. It is the difference between seed and fruit. I am old enough to remember women dying from illegal abortions performed by butchers with wire hangers. I am not going back there. These people are simply anti choice where women's choices are concerned and lassez faire where life after the first breath is concerned. Ryan argued that the Supreme Court wasn't the right body to legislate a national recognition of a women's right to choose. He said it should be decided state by state. A coin toss for 50 states. What else should be returned to the states? Slavery? Women's vote? It kills me to hear all their rhetoric about small government, it's code speak for deregulation of all that unwanted pregnancy will grow up to be a child who gets to hear that there used to be a clean air and water act, but it was bad for the job creators. They'll hear that there used to be a living minimum wage and worker protections, but those were bad for the job creators too. They'll hear that America used to be a participatory democracy, but then there was the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision. That one should be overturned, like separate is equal was! Yeah, small government, now small enough to fit inside my uterus. We say NO to transvaginal government.
One last thing. In reaction to things I'd read on various political fact checking organizations, such as politifact's "truth-o-meter". I did a web search "mormon theology and moral stance on lying" Google's first page came back with multiple references to an unfamiliar expression- "Lying for God". The jist is that if lying protects their church or advances it's mission, then, person to person lies of commission, of omission are not immoral because god is served. That must explain how he can be such a consumate liar without even one micro tic. Lying for God...please tell Republican voters about that, but don't have sex with them if none of this changes their vote to any ticket except romney/ryan.
One last thing. In reaction to things I'd read on various political fact checking organizations, such as politifact's "truth-o-meter". I did a web search "mormon theology and moral stance on lying" Google's first page came back with multiple references to an unfamiliar expression- "Lying for God". The jist is that if lying protects their church or advances it's mission, then, person to person lies of commission, of omission are not immoral because god is served. That must explain how he can be such a consumate liar without even one micro tic. Lying for God...please tell Republican voters about that, but don't have sex with them if none of this changes their vote to any ticket except romney/ryan.