To: Willard Mitt Romney/GOP, GOP Presidential Candidate
Why does Ann Romney have a Choice and I Don't?
Why Does Ann Romney Have a Choice and I Don't? Recently, the Republican Party has been waging a WAR ON WOMEN, by working tirelessly to strip women of their rights to choose. The GOP has been passing all kinds of ridiculous and outlandish laws that will set women's rights back 50 years, yet when Ann Romney was caught in the crossfire of this serious debate, the GOP didn't hesitate to rally around her Right to Choose. The GOP doesn't rally around my right to choose. All women should be given the SAME right to choose, not just Ann Romney!
Why is this important?
Women and men should sign this petition, and we should make slogans and t-shirts declaring our right to choose. Instead of trying to take women back 50 years, Congress should be working tirelessly to pass all possible laws to help support a woman's right to choose. The Repubicans have the biggest double standards of all time. They fight tenaciously to , take away a woman's control over her own body, yet fight tenaciously to give total control to gun toters. Out of one side of their mouths they fight for their rights, and out of the other side, they take away someone elses.