To: The Indiana State House and The Indiana State Senate

Widesread increase of VIOLENCE in OUR Country. Stop the violence.DONT cover it up MAKE a stand an...

Stepping up and Stepping Out Against Violence

Why is this important?

I was a victim of a shooting. It was my husband, who just turned into this person I didnt know. I did everything I could to keep my family safe. Protective order, left our home sfr. I was treated like the criminal. After two breakins and contant harrassment, and without any protection he broke into my house. I was shot twice and taken hostage for 6hrs before he was shot and killed. My life is totally changed . I have medical problems and forced into poverty where I have lost everything. Society has a way of covering this up. I think its time WE take a stand and break the silence. We HAVE the right to be treated with RESPECT AND DIGNITY. NOT humiliated. Step up and step out. Without being afraid.