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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Women against War

Women have stood passively by throughout history and not intervened when their sons and daughters were sent to kill other sons and daughters in wars. Women, change the pattern and petition government decision makers to stop sending our sons and daughters to face death in war. Demand that representatives stop potential wars by focusing on the use of diplomatic solutions, starting with the potential Israel and Iran pending conflict, which may escalate into global conflict, a third world war. Women, start making history according to the way we want the world, with peace and diplomacy, and change the way men have managed the world.

Why is this important?

Every war ever fought has been instigated by men. Women have stood passively by and permitted this throughout all of history. We have stood by and let our sons and daughters fight and die for issues that could have been resolved peaceably through diplomacy. Now, men in Israel and Iran are provoking a war that may end all wars. Women of the world, take control and petition your leaders to prevent this. Stop the senseless and stupid violence and petition your leaders for diplomatic solutions to differences. The custom of sending our children to kill other children to prove the points of the older men who run countries has to stop. We must advance beyond this barbaric custom and advance to civilized discussion and diplomatic resolution of differences.



2022-02-24 16:43:16 -0500

10 signatures reached