• Mental Health Matters
    May is Mental Health Awareness Month. On behalf of all student athletes and students, we hope that you will take this time as an opportunity to invest in their mental health. The Mental Health Reform Act embedded in the 21st Century Cures Act includes funding to promote integrated physical and mental health care. A policy requiring student athletes to speak with a mental health professional at least once during their sport’s season. Just as students are required to have annual physicals and dental check up requirements for player eligibility. We are asking you to work on creating a mental health component to add those requirements. In addition, athletes experience emotional trauma from being out of the game due to an injury. If an injury occurs that causes an athlete to be out at least 3-4 months, speaking with a mental health professional prior to returning to play would be just as beneficial. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I am asking policy-makers to support a student athlete mental health initiative.
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Charese Munoz
  • Funds Needed for Addiction Treatment NOW ! Where are the funds from Purdue Pharma Settlement?
    Addiction is a brain disease, not a choice. Individuals in Connecticut with Substance Use Disorders are overdosing on heroin and fentanyl at alarming rates. In March, 2022, Connecticut received approximately $95 million from the Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family settlement, yet addiction treatment is still not readily available. The agreement authorizes Connecticut to use a portion of the settlement funds to establish an Opioid Survivors Trust to directly aid survivors and victims of the opioid epidemic. WHERE ARE THE SETTLEMENT FUNDS? CONNECTICUT NEEDS TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO ADDICTION TREATMENT NOW!
    78 of 100 Signatures
  • Defund APD in FY23
    After George Floyd’s murder in 2020, there was a national cry to end racist policing. Though the national outrage has fizzled, police brutality remains far too common. In 2022, Orlando Taylor was killed by Springfield Police and Miguel Estrella was killed by Pittsfield Police, both during calls for a person in mental distress. Policing is not the solution to public safety. Advocates in Amherst have continued to call for defunding the Amherst Police Department. A promising, BIPOC-led envisioning of an alternative safety department has been implemented. However, the funding proposed is inadequate. The FY23 budget proposes only $621,520 in funding for CRESS, or $2,117,780 less than CSWG’s recommendation. There FY23 budget allocates $0 to a BIPOC cultural center, $407,690 less than CSWG’s recommendation. The FY23 budget allocates $500,000 to the youth empowerment center, above what was recommended— but it provides no clear plan as to what this money will support. The FY23 budget proposes $175,257 to the DEI office, $52,390 less than CSWG’s recommendation. These proposed programs will help create community safety in a responsive, anti-racist manner. They should be fully funded with money redirected from the police budget. The demand is still DEFUND THE POLICE.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by allegra clark
  • Creation of Disability Cultural Center at Portland Community College
    Students with Disabilities need an identity center separate from Disability Services/Accessible Education because the function of this office is to meet accessibility needs and process accommodation requests, not to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities, for whom there are many. With a Disability Cultural Center, the possibility for grant funding is created, as is the ability to hire student staff, have peer-to-peer programming and advocacy, and opportunity for students to connect with others who are marginalized by exceptionally isolating circumstances.
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by PJ Golden
    INDICTING THESE INDIVIDUALS IS ONLY FAIR! COMMIT THE CRIME, DO THE TIME! By NOT acting, & indicting them, YOU ARE ENABLING THEM, TOO! By your inaction, you are normalizing terroristic behavior from our elected public officials. Congress has ways to deal with traitors amongst their ranks. THERE ARE LAWS TO DEAL WITH THEM! USE THEM!!!!!! CENSURE THEM! WRITE RESOLUTIONS TO EXPEL THEM! DEMOCRATS, CALL FOR THEM ALL TO BE EXPELLED! DO YOUR JOB TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FROM FUTURE DOMESTIC ENEMIES. You took the oath, to protect us from enemies, foreign & domestic. HONOR YOUR OATH! If you DON'T indict them, they are emboldened to continue lying to the public, inciting continued violence from their supporters, & not only obstructing a Democratic agenda, but still in office, pressing for their abysmal agenda, which persecutes women, children & families across the nation. Furthermore, since they're not charged with insurrection, they can run for re-election, no problem! And continue terrorizing the country! WE CALL ON CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE & DOJ TO DO YER JOB!!! CENSURE, CHARGE, REMOVE THESE TRAITORS FROM OFFICE, & BAR THEM FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS. I personally urge all of you to DESIGNATE THE GOP AS TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! Although this sounds fair to me, probably most Americans would not agree with this measure - yet.
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Trista di Genova-CHANG
  • Culture day at WBHS
    Willowbrook Highschool is a diverse school where culture day will be a fun way to embrace one’s culture and to show the diversity! Let’s make this happen! Please sign the petition to have Culture day at WBHS.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aafreen Ahmed
  • WBHS needs to have a day off on Eid
    There are many reasons why there should be no school on “Eid”. One of them is that it is a religious holiday that is celebrated every year among Muslims. Secondly, Muslim students are constantly absent every year on the day of “Eid” whereas there should not be a school day on that particular day in the first place. Please sign the petition for no school on “Eid” for WBHS.
    568 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aafreen Ahmed
  • Knox Community High School Soccer Team
    The starke county youth soccer league is a great opportunity for kids to get out and have fun playing a sport with friends. This youth league starts young and allows the kids to get very good at the sport. However, the sport stops after 8th grade which does not allow the kids the opportunities of playing in high school and maybe even some into college. Often times these kids lose friends that they have known most of their life as they no longer play sports together.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Godines
  • Let's stop the trend towards the school to prison pipeline
    Our purpose is to inform and to promote social change within our education system. We want to focus on the structure first, where the students develop and learn different behaviors and attitudes. This is a vulnerable and important time for students so, we want to advocate for better staff development and implementation of non discriminatory practice in schools. We are advocating towards mental health and trauma-informed practices to be put into schools nationwide. The students need support, not to be reprimanded unfairly with punishment.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laia-Grace Lim
  • Keep Kuilema
    Calvin University cannot fire Professor Kuilema over his support for marginalized communities. Professor Kuilema has shown time and time again that he is an excellent faculty member by caring for his students, and teaching them to think critically about the world around them. To fail to reappoint Professor Kuilema over his involvement in a queer wedding would be unfair and unjust to not only him, but the Calvin University community as a whole. This petition was created by Calvin University alum, Nicole Sweda, and current Calvin University student, Isaac Seiler.
    2,045 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Sweda
  • Free To Pee: Incorporate Accessible Gender-Neutral Restrooms In Every Public School
    For many trans and non-binary students, being forced to use a labeled, gendered restroom is extremely uncomfortable. We should not have to experience any more struggle or discomfort than our cisgender peers. Gender-neutral restrooms should be accessible and available to students without them having to ask to use a staff restroom or be forced to one or two options that are often far away from classes.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lynx Kelly
  • Stop LGBTQ+ discrimination at Calvin University!
    These policies and practices include: (1) Calvin University prohibits staff and faculty members from being in queer relationships through an unclear and dated rule. Calvin University sees “sexual relations” as only being permissible in the context of marriage which they define as only being between “a man and a woman”. A sexual relationship outside of this traditional marriage is not recognized by Calvin University as being a legitimate marriage. Therefore any staff or faculty members in queer relationships and/or marriages will be terminated on the grounds that they are committing “sexual misconduct”. (2) Calvin University consistently lacks adequate support for their LGBTQ+ students and is not transparent about a lack of supports when recruiting LGBTQ+ students to attend the school. Calvin University publicly brands themself as a Christian university that provides more support and safety for LGBTQ+ students in comparison to other, “more conservative” Christian universities. They do this by publicly advertising the supports the school offers for LGBTQ+ students such as a peer support group - Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), a therapy group through Calvin’s Center for Counseling and Wellness - Without Shame, and a Sexuality Series Director, a position that has not been filled at a full-time capacity in several years, making it ill-equipped to support LGBTQ+ students and their needs. (3) Calvin University does not allow LGBTQ+ students to enter certain leadership positions at the university if they are in “same-sex relationships”. The positions include most notably being a resident assistant in university dorms, but this is not the only leadership position LGBTQ+ students are barred from. (4) Calvin University refuses to allow staff and faculty allies to publicly advocate for LGBTQ+ rights without repercussions and consequences to their careers at Calvin University (denying tenure, reappointment, etc.). Calvin University’s discriminatory policies and practices: (1) Create a hostile environment for LGBTQ+ people in the Calvin University community, including LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, students, allies, and potential candidates for hire. (2) Directly harm LGBTQ+ people and their allies in the Calvin community by ending the careers of LGBTQ+ staff and faculty. (3) Jeopardize the careers of allies who affirm and seek justice for LGBTQ+ folks in the Calvin community and elsewhere. These policies fuel anxiety, a fear of speaking up, and uncertainty among Calvin faculty and staff. Some faculty and staff have seen their LGBTQ+ colleagues leave or be dismissed from the Calvin community, but they cannot speak up about it for fear of jeopardizing their careers. (4) Increase feelings of shame among LGBTQ+ people across the Calvin community. Calvin University’s partial affirmation of LGBTQ+ identities but not relationships, leaves many LGBTQ+ folks at Calvin feeling ashamed of themselves, isolated, lonely, and wrong. It furthermore may intensify mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. (5) Create a toxic culture where LGBTQ+ people and their rights are debated across campus – dehumanizing LGBTQ+ people into an issue and invalidating their worth as people. (6) Bar the majority of LGBTQ+ people, including Calvin alumni, from working at the university – effectively limiting any diversity in gender identity or sexual orientation in the staff/faculty makeup at the school. This lack of diversity limits the work and perspectives that Calvin University has. It also sends the message that no matter what gifts and great contributions a person has or may offer Calvin University, their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, bars any contribution to the institution. Calvin University must STOP their discriminatory policies now! They must stop harming, silencing, and traumatizing LGBTQ+ people and their allies. This petition was created by Calvin Alumni Lindsay Owens and Grace Swanson.
    2,992 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Grace Swanson