To: Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Councilman District 11

10601 Washington Blvd. Development

The City of Los Angeles is considering to allow the building an 85 foot high, mixed use building (RAS4) at the corner of Washington Blvd. and Overland Ave. (were the Core Church is now). This development is surrounded by R3 or less zoned areas with a height limitation of 45 feet. The City has granted many variances and adjustments that allow for the building to be built on the property lines and for signage not allowed with the zoning. An MND was approved when many issues required were ignored or postponed until after development. Councilman Bill Rosendahl wants this development and has done everything possible to make sure it happens.

Why is this important?

To object to the Scale, Height and Density of this development. The City of Los Angeles Council must limit this development to what is allowed under the existing C2 zone or what is allowed in the existing area, which has been down-zoned to R3.
See following link for building information:
See following link for our most recent appeal:
