To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

12 year term limit for Supreme Court Justices

Once appointed, Supreme Court Judges would be confirmed by Congress for a 12 year period in which time their term would end. Additional 4 year periods may be sought only through a review and reconfirmation process.

Why is this important?

Having a radical in any Government position is objectionable, but having one who's position is protected for life, or as long as THEY choose, is damaging to the country. If there is not going to be a process for removal of activists judges, at least there should be a 12 year term limit with the option of a review (reconfirmation) for additional periods of four years. America should not be stuck with an activist judge who shows up at political rallies and is invited to dinners by parties in upcoming cases. There needs to be remedies and consequences, and at the lease term limits and review.