To: The United States House of Representatives

21st Century Postal Reform

I am writing to respectfully request that you consider substituting HR 1351 or SB 1789 for HR 2309 in the upcoming debate regarding postal reform. We believe that HR 1351, with over two hundred thirty (230) co-sponsors; or that the bi-partisan legislation recently passed in the Sanate (SB 1789); the House of Representatives should disregard HR 2309 and choose either of the other two options. HR 2309 had only two (2) co-sponsors and came out of committee by virtue of a strictly partisan vote. It is a bill that if passed, would be devasting for the Postal Service and would not return it to financial solvency.

The PAEA of 2006 placed a pre-funding obligation upon the USPS, which requires that it make payments of $5.5 billion annually to pre-fund its future retirees' health benefits. This pre-funding rquirement is the very root of its finanical woes. HR 1351 and SB 1789 both seek relief from this requirement, HR 2309 does not. Recent independent audits have shown the the USPS has already over-funded its Civil Service Retirement Fund by $50 billion and has also over-funded the Federal Employee Retirement System Fund by nearly $11 billion. Both HR 1351 and SB 1789 address these facts. Both pieces of legislation are bi-partisan in nature and would return the USPS to finanical solvency. I urge you to take up HR 1359 or SB 1789 rather than the destructive HR 2309.

Why is this important?

Postal reform is necessary to ensure the survival of the Postal Service. The Postal Service's mandate is to provide universal service at a universal cost. The finanical problem the Postal Service is facing at this time was caused by Congress and can only be corrected by Congress.
