To: Dr. Matthew J. Jennings

2nd Grade Class Sizes

We, the undersigned, are concerned parents that urge the school board to lower class size for current second grade class as they transition into third grade.

Why is this important?

As a concerned parent, I wish to bring to your attention a matter of class size at Lester D. Wilson elementary school. This year Ms. Pawlowski's second grade class is currently 24 students. This is very alarming. Study after study show specifically that class size in the younger grades of K-Third plays a vital role in the education of our children. Class size impacts test scores, grades, attendance and drop out rates in later years. Smaller class sizes also aid in teaching children to stay on task and keep them engaged in learning. Did you know that other classes at LDW are as low as 15 students?

Many states propose referendums that limit these classes to 18 or fewer children--some as low as 15 students. Don't we agree that the second grade head count should be much lower?

If you had the opportunity to observe your child's second grade class this year, you witnessed firsthand the extra time and attention required to manage this class size with many individual students with IEPs, 504s, and behavioral issues. And that's with a full-time teacher and a full-time teacher's assistant. The particular dynamics of this class of 48 students cannot be re-mixed in any new way that doesn't affect the learning environment in a negative way.

Please take a minute to sign this petition, write a letter to our Superintendent, Dr. Matthew J. Jennings, speak with our principal, Sandy Kacedon and/or attend the School Board meeting on March 23rd. Please let your voice be heard.

Part of the benefit of living in Hunterdon County is to give our children the best education possible. We must stand up for them now. If we take the time now, we can help them in subsequent grades and well into the future.

Thank you, and please share with other first grade families so that we may all have the opportunity to be heard.
