To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Third-party investigator for traffic stops

We need a third-party review team and number code to dial when we feel like our rights are being violated by police.

Why is this important?

Because of the recent events regarding police encounters resulting in questionable deaths and incarceration, a new, independent agency should be set up to not only review these cases but, most importantly, be just a phone call away and respond when a citizen is in jeopardy and feels like their rights are being violated.

We should call this SandrasCall in honor and in the memory of Sandra Bland.

We would like to institute a three-digit code (similar to 911 or 411) that citizens can call, and it will instantly connect to this independent third-party review team consisting of lawmakers, servants of the law, and citizens. All active arrests at that time will cease, and law enforcement will desist until the independent team arrives and review the actions of both officers and citizens.
