• Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin so Musk and Bezos can't use public airspace for free!
    In the last few years, SpaceX has caused fires, leaks, explosions, or other disasters near Elon Musk’s $3 billion corporate compound in Texas. A SpaceX launch recently flouted wildlife protections, while burning 7.5 million pounds of fuel, destroying some surrounding wildlife habitats. A New York Times investigation found that Musk’s SpaceX is exploiting federal agencies to achieve its corporate, private space travel mission. Far too often, Elon Musk and mega-corporations like SpaceX believe they can get away with anything. SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin don’t even have to pay the same taxes as airline companies — taxes that fund air traffic controllers and the safe use of airspace. President Biden has called for private space travel companies to start paying up, and now it’s up to Congress to start taxing Bezos’ and Musk’s companies. Sign the petition: Urge Congress to make Musk’s SpaceX and Bezos’ Blue Origin pay their fair share of taxes for private space travel! Musk and SpaceX have pit the Federal Aviation Administration against the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service, and misled the environmental and wildlife agencies from the very beginning. Every time a SpaceX rocket is launched, the environment and wildlife are at risk. And every time a SpaceX or Blue Origin rocket is launched, these corporations don’t pay the taxes that airlines do to fund air traffic controllers who ensure airspace is clear to prevent collisions. We shouldn’t be handing billionaires even more loopholes to avoid paying their taxes.That’s why President Biden is calling on Congress to raise taxes on SpaceX and Blue Origin. Add your name: Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin now! SOURCES: - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/07/us/politics/spacex-wildlife-texas.html - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/04/us/politics/spacex-biden-musk-taxes.html
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Demand Justice for Sonya Massey!
    In early July, Sangamon County sheriff’s deputy Sean Grayson shot 36-year-old Sonya Massey after she attempted to move a pot of water off of her stove at the officer’s request. Sonya Massey called the police for help after she was concerned about an intruder in her home. We must all demand justice for Sonya. What happened to her was unacceptable, and we cannot let this type of police violence, which is all too often directed against the Black men and Black women of our country, continue unchecked. We're demanding accountability for Sonya Massey and her family. And we're not alone. The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office has reportedly fired Grayson, who was later charged with first-degree murder. And the U.S. Department of Justice will also be investigating the tragic death of Sonya Massey. As long as police officers like Sean Grayson can continue to hop between law enforcement jobs, regardless of their criminal or professional records, our communities will have to suffer the type of police violence that cost Sonya Massey her life. We’ve had enough.  Demand local and federal officials deliver justice for Sonya Massey now!
    23,270 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Soraya Vaezi
  • Push Back Against Anti-Trans Legislation in Oklahoma
    Trans people deserve basic human rights just like everyone else. They deserve to use the restroom in peace and safety. By denying an employee the use of common restrooms used by employees who share their same gender identity, Braum's is in direct violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Braum's is also in violation of federal OSHA best practice standards. OSHA's Guide to Restroom Access for Transgender Workers states that all employees, including transgender employees, should have access to restrooms that match their gender identity.  This is because OSHA's Sanitation Standard requires employers to provide sanitary and accessible toilet facilities for all employees so that they don't experience adverse health effects. Since the Sanitation Standard requires restrooms for each separate sex, employers are required to allow transgender employees to use the bathroom in best alignment with their gender identity for their safety as well. Situations like these are why trans rhetoric is so dangerous. It disregards decades of advancement in human rights and safety that benefit all people. It gives a voice to the bully and theocracy.  OSHA guidelines exist to take the guesswork out of what is and isn’t best practice for safe workplaces. Sign your name in support of equal bathroom rights!
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kiernan Kinsman
    Peter White tragically passed away on June 5th, 2023 after a long battle with mental health and addiction. Peter was everyone’s favorite person and lit up every room he stepped in. No matter what he went through in his own life, he put others first and was always there for anything you needed. From a young age, Pete loved to skate. His escape was always to hop on his board and take a ride. He practically lived at Highlands Skatepark his entire childhood, along with his friends. He inspired and taught many to skate, even his 2 year old stepson was obsessed with his skateboard.  The simple fact is, mental health and addiction are the leading causes of premature death, especially in people under 35, surpassing COVID 19, tragic accidents, and even cancer, yet it is being silenced and hushed due to shame and judgement. It can happen to ANYONE, it does not discriminate, and to watch your loved one go through such suffering will change you forever. Addiction and mental health awareness SHOULD BE OF THE UPMOST PRIORITY! Children are dying, mothers and fathers are dying, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends … at a rapid speed.  Unfortunately less than 3% of all addicts recover, and when it comes down to it Pete is just one of the 97%+ who could not win. However, he fought until his very last day on earth. He got back up every time, and in between comforted those who loved him and did his absolute best to save himself.  His memory at this Skatepark is more than just his memory, it is a reminder to all addicts and those struggling with mental health, whether with us on Earth or passed, that they WILL be missed. That they DO have an impact. That their life DOES matter.  It’s a shame that this plaque could ever be considered taken down, when this issue is so important and so real to so many in our community alone.  In loving Memory of Peter White, Aj Heagney, Brandon McGeorge, Mat Adams, Chris Messiah, and the list goes on and on and on…. 
    683 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Claire Connelly
  • Stop Carbon Capture and Storage from Coming to Pennsylvania
    Minutes after we started this petition yesterday afternoon, Governor Shapiro signed the bill. Now it is up to the legislature to repeal it. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an unproven technology that has never worked. Naomi Oreskes, best known as the co-author of Merchants of Doubt, wrote in an essay in Scientific American in March that she is among geologists who believe that long term CO2 storage could be achieved, but that its success relies on identifying sites where CO2 will remain sequestered. “But site characterization takes time that we don't have,” she says. She points out that billions were spent over two decades to evaluate Yucca Mountain as a site for nuclear waste disposal before the proposal failed. Identifying sequestration sites is just as challenging. For years, we were told that Pennsylvania's geology was not suited to injection wells, the wells used for underground storage. Our geology hasn't changed, yet we've seen a huge increase in injection well projects, most of them Class II wells used for oil & gas waste. CCS requires its own class of well the EPA calls Class VI injection wells. Identifying sites for those wells is particularly challenging in Pennsylvania, not just because of our geology, but because the CCS involves injecting CO2 into pore space below a cap rock, or the impermeable rock, that will keep CO2 from leaking. The Marcellus would be the likely cap rock, but its integrity is in question because of decades of drilling and fracking and because there are hundreds of thousands of abandoned wells in the Marcellus. Does that disqualify the Marcellus from being a suitable cap rock? Does the corrosive effect of the CO2 compromise the cap rock? What does permanent, as in permanent sequestration, mean?  Scientists are still trying to answer these questions and many others. If scientists don't know the answers, our state legislators don't know them either. That didn't stop them from passing the bill without any hearings or discussion and without referring it to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. The scientific and technological unknowns are concerning enough, but Yaw's bill takes aim at the public by imposing a form of subsurface eminent domain that bars people from saying no to injection into their pore space if enough neighbors say yes. It then shifts liability from the industry to the state so the taxpayers are left holding the bag when something goes wrong. And it exposes communities to dangerous Class VI wells and the CO2 pipelines that would deliver the CO2 to the site. The only ones who benefit from SB 831 are those who will profit from using PA as a CO2 waste dump. The rest of us have everything to lose. CCS is one of the false climate solutions that allows the fossil fuel industry to continue doing business as usual, but it's also the technology that turns gray hydrogen blue. The blue hydrogen hubs proposed for Pennsylvania use methane as a feedstock to produce the hydrogen. That means more drilling and fracking, more harms to our communities, and more climate-killing methane leaks. Governor Shapiro failed to protect Pennsylvania. It's up to the legislature now.
    2,504 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun
  • Empower Youth: Lower the Age to Run for President!
    Empowering the Future - A Call to Lower the Age to Run for President Dear Fellow Citizens, Our nation stands at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. In this moment, we must harness the full potential of every citizen, regardless of age. I am writing to you today to advocate for a cause that is not just about me, but about empowering an entire generation of young Americans who are ready to lead, innovate, and create a brighter future for us all. It is time to lower the age requirement to run for president and give young voices the platform they deserve. Why It Matters 1. Fresh Perspectives and Innovative Solutions The younger generation brings fresh ideas and a keen understanding of modern challenges such as climate change, technological advancement, and social justice. Our nation needs leaders who can think outside the box, who are not bound by outdated paradigms but are eager to explore new solutions. By lowering the age requirement, we open the door to innovative policies that address today’s most pressing issues with the urgency and creativity they demand. 2. Representation for All Generations Youth make up a significant portion of our population, yet their voices are often underrepresented in the highest levels of government. This imbalance means that the concerns and aspirations of young people are not fully reflected in national policies. By allowing younger candidates to run for president, we ensure that our leadership is truly representative of all generations, leading to a more inclusive and balanced approach to governance. 3. Energy and Determination Young leaders are driven by passion and determination to make a difference. They are not yet jaded by the status quo and are often more willing to challenge existing systems to create meaningful change. This energy is essential for tackling long-standing issues that previous generations have struggled to resolve. It is time to infuse our political system with the vigor and ambition of youth. Why You Should Support This Movement 1. A New Era of Leadership Supporting the movement to lower the age requirement for presidential candidates is about more than just changing a number. It is about ushering in a new era of leadership that is responsive, dynamic, and attuned to the needs of a rapidly changing world. It is about believing in the potential of our youth to rise to the occasion and lead with integrity and vision. 2. Bridging Generational Divides Lowering the age requirement fosters greater understanding and collaboration between generations. It encourages mentorship and the sharing of wisdom between older and younger leaders, creating a more cohesive and united society. By bridging these divides, we can work together more effectively to build a prosperous future for all. 3. Fixing What Past Generations Couldn't There are persistent issues that have been passed down from generation to generation, unresolved and festering. It is time to give the younger generation the chance to tackle these problems with fresh eyes and new approaches. By supporting this movement, you are empowering young leaders to address and fix the challenges that past generations have struggled to overcome. Why Choose Me I stand before you as a representative of this movement, ready to champion the cause of youth empowerment and lead with dedication and purpose. My commitment to this cause is unwavering, and I am prepared to work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard. Here is why you should choose me to spearhead this movement: 1. Passionate Advocate for Change I have always been driven by a deep passion for making a positive impact in our society. My experiences have equipped me with the knowledge and determination to advocate effectively for this cause. I am committed to fighting for the rights and representation of young people in the political arena. 2. Proven Leadership Throughout my life, I have demonstrated leadership in various capacities, whether it be in community organizations, educational institutions, or advocacy groups. I have a track record of bringing people together, building consensus, and driving meaningful change. I am ready to bring this experience to the national stage. 3. Vision for the Future I envision a future where age is not a barrier to leadership, where young people are empowered to bring their unique perspectives to the forefront of national policy. I am committed to creating an inclusive and forward-thinking government that truly reflects the diversity and potential of our nation. Join the Movement This is a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Together, we can create a future where every voice is heard, and every citizen has the opportunity to lead. I ask for your support in this movement to lower the age requirement to run for president. Let us stand together, empower our youth, and fix what past generations couldn't. Thank you for believing in the power of young leadership. Together, we can make history. Sincerely, West Abadie 
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by West A
  • Preventing the Weaponization of Orders of Protection and Ensuring Accountability
    Changing the order of protection system to address its misuse is crucial for several reasons: Preserving the Integrity of Legal Protections: Orders of protection are essential tools designed to protect individuals from genuine threats of abuse, harassment, or violence. When these orders are misused, it undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the entire legal system. Ensuring that orders of protection are used appropriately helps maintain their integrity and ensures they remain a reliable resource for those in real need. Preventing Abuse of the Legal System: Misuse of orders of protection for personal gain, such as in contentious divorces or custody battles, can clog the legal system with frivolous cases. This not only wastes valuable judicial resources but also delays the resolution of genuine cases where individuals are in immediate danger and need prompt protection. Protecting the Rights of the Accused: Individuals falsely accused and restrained by orders of protection suffer significant emotional, social, and financial harm. They may face damage to their reputation, job loss, and severe emotional distress. By addressing misuse, the legal system can better balance the rights of the accused with the need to protect genuine victims. Ensuring Fairness and Justice: A legal system perceived as fair and just is fundamental to public trust. When orders of protection are weaponized, it creates a perception of injustice and bias, eroding confidence in the legal system. Reforming the system to prevent misuse helps restore faith in legal processes and ensures that justice is fairly administered. Encouraging Genuine Victims to Seek Help: When orders of protection are misused, it can create skepticism and stigma around seeking such protections. Genuine victims might hesitate to come forward, fearing they won't be taken seriously or that their cases will be seen as part of a larger pattern of misuse. Ensuring that orders of protection are applied correctly encourages genuine victims to seek the help they need without fear of judgment.  Reducing Retaliatory Actions: Misuse of orders of protection can lead to retaliatory actions, escalating conflicts rather than resolving them. By implementing measures to prevent such misuse, the system can focus on de-escalation and resolution, reducing the potential for further conflict and harm. Promoting Accountability and Responsibility: Holding individuals accountable for misusing legal protections promotes a sense of responsibility and respect for the law. It sends a clear message that the legal system is not a tool for personal vendettas or manipulation, but a serious and vital mechanism for ensuring safety and justice. By addressing the misuse of orders of protection, we can create a more just, efficient, and trustworthy legal system that better serves the needs of all individuals involved.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Edwin K. Picture
  • GoGo Ventures Speaks for Us
    This movement is crucial because it aims to empower and elevate the voices of the GoGo community, particularly those of lesser-known bands and brands. Historically, these entities have been overlooked when it comes to accessing government resources and support. By establishing GoGo Ventures as a recognized advocate, the community can address injustices and inequities that have been neglected or misunderstood by government agencies. This initiative seeks to ensure that all members of the GoGo community receive fair treatment, representation, and opportunities for growth and development. It is about fostering inclusivity, cultural preservation, and amplifying the unique contributions of GoGo music and culture within the DC community and beyond.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GOGO VENTURES
  • Hold Ocean County Jail Accountable for the Death of Keith Raymond Press
    I can’t go into complete detail since this is an ongoing civil rights investigation. What I will say is that Ocean county jail located in New Jersey needs to be held accountable for the death of Keith Raymond Press. Had the proper procedures been performed by the facility before, during and after his suicide, a life would not have been lost. The Ocean County Jail previously underwent a $1.5 million lawsuit with an outcome of a negligence verdict. A scarily similar situation occurred with a man named Kenneth Conforti who failed to receive the proper resources and medical attention by the facility after committing suicide in his cell. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/08/10/states-top-court-upholds-1-5m-negligence-verdict-against-jail-for-inmates-suicide/ This is not about restitution. This is about justice. Every system has failed Keith Raymond Press throughout his lifetime. A man is gone. There will be justice for Keith. Stand alongside me through this journey to fight a corrupt system. As long as we have each other, Keith’s memory will not be forgotten and his death will not go unnoticed. As always, keep your heads up. He would do the same for us, let’s do right by him. 
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Skyla Camacho
  • Help Needed for the Disabled
    The commissioner, Nina Waters, could order the plow already at the beginning of our 70 yard road to plow it for the safety of 10 people and one disabled man.  Simple accommodation to solve a very simple problem, but she refuses to help her own constituents. 
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Marie Damian
  • Tell Mayor Fox: Negotiate a Contract for Bradley Beach Workers NOW!
    The people who keep the Borough of Bradley Beach running deserve a contract that reflects their hard work.  These hardworking men and women are tired, under financial strain, and deserve better. Enough is enough! Please support these hardworking dedicated public service employees!
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by UFCW Local 152 Picture
  • Justice for Sophie
    This is profoundly important, not just for Sophie, but for every student who deserves to feel safe and respected in their educational journey. By seeking justice for Sophie, we're not only honoring her experiences and validating her pain, but we're also standing up for countless others who may have suffered in silence. This action sends a powerful message that such behavior will not be tolerated, and that every student's well-being matters deeply. It's about creating a ripple effect of change, ensuring that Sophie's ordeal becomes a catalyst for a safer, more compassionate environment for all. By addressing this issue head-on, we're planting the seeds for a future where no student has to endure what Sophie did - a future where every young person can pursue their dreams without fear or hesitation. This is more than justice for one; it's a stand for the dignity and rights of all
    3,215 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by BUHS NEWS Picture