GoGo Ventures Speaks for UsThis movement is crucial because it aims to empower and elevate the voices of the GoGo community, particularly those of lesser-known bands and brands. Historically, these entities have been overlooked when it comes to accessing government resources and support. By establishing GoGo Ventures as a recognized advocate, the community can address injustices and inequities that have been neglected or misunderstood by government agencies. This initiative seeks to ensure that all members of the GoGo community receive fair treatment, representation, and opportunities for growth and development. It is about fostering inclusivity, cultural preservation, and amplifying the unique contributions of GoGo music and culture within the DC community and beyond.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by GOGO VENTURES
Hold Ocean County Jail Accountable for the Death of Keith Raymond PressI can’t go into complete detail since this is an ongoing civil rights investigation. What I will say is that Ocean county jail located in New Jersey needs to be held accountable for the death of Keith Raymond Press. Had the proper procedures been performed by the facility before, during and after his suicide, a life would not have been lost. The Ocean County Jail previously underwent a $1.5 million lawsuit with an outcome of a negligence verdict. A scarily similar situation occurred with a man named Kenneth Conforti who failed to receive the proper resources and medical attention by the facility after committing suicide in his cell. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/08/10/states-top-court-upholds-1-5m-negligence-verdict-against-jail-for-inmates-suicide/ This is not about restitution. This is about justice. Every system has failed Keith Raymond Press throughout his lifetime. A man is gone. There will be justice for Keith. Stand alongside me through this journey to fight a corrupt system. As long as we have each other, Keith’s memory will not be forgotten and his death will not go unnoticed. As always, keep your heads up. He would do the same for us, let’s do right by him.230 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Skyla Camacho
Help Needed for the DisabledThe commissioner, Nina Waters, could order the plow already at the beginning of our 70 yard road to plow it for the safety of 10 people and one disabled man. Simple accommodation to solve a very simple problem, but she refuses to help her own constituents.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Marie Damian
Tell Mayor Fox: Negotiate a Contract for Bradley Beach Workers NOW!The people who keep the Borough of Bradley Beach running deserve a contract that reflects their hard work. These hardworking men and women are tired, under financial strain, and deserve better. Enough is enough! Please support these hardworking dedicated public service employees!213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by UFCW Local 152
Justice for SophieThis is profoundly important, not just for Sophie, but for every student who deserves to feel safe and respected in their educational journey. By seeking justice for Sophie, we're not only honoring her experiences and validating her pain, but we're also standing up for countless others who may have suffered in silence. This action sends a powerful message that such behavior will not be tolerated, and that every student's well-being matters deeply. It's about creating a ripple effect of change, ensuring that Sophie's ordeal becomes a catalyst for a safer, more compassionate environment for all. By addressing this issue head-on, we're planting the seeds for a future where no student has to endure what Sophie did - a future where every young person can pursue their dreams without fear or hesitation. This is more than justice for one; it's a stand for the dignity and rights of all3,659 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by BUHS NEWS
PLEASE PARDON CANNABIS CONVICTIONS IN PAPlease join me we all know in the 1980's the "war on Drugs" meant war on Black Americans. Most of the men I counsel up state are from that era. Sentenced 15-25 years for marijuana. Today their are marijuana distributors on nearly every corner. Pardoning individuals who were unfairly treated by the criminal legal system, the government acknowledges harms of an unjust system, takes a positive step to rectifying errors and removes barriers to employment, housing and other basic needs of those plagued with a criminal history.96 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mildred Dixon
Demanding a Fair Salary Increase for Merced County Public EmployeesMerced County Public Employees need your support to have a salary increase granted by the Board of Supervisors in order to address the following issues: 1. Cost of Living Increase: The cost of living is rising by 3.3%, making it harder for public employees to afford basic necessities. 2. County Budget: With a budget of $1.17 billion, Merced County should have the financial capacity to support its employees with a livable wage. 3. Fair Compensation: Public employees deserve fair compensation for their hard work and dedication to our community. 4. Poverty Rates: Merced County's poverty rate is above the state and national average. Many public employees are near the poverty line, and it is crucial they receive adequate salary increases to address this. Merced County public employees are the backbone of our community, and investing in them is investing in our county’s well-being. These hardworking individuals manage important tasks in government offices, such as handling records, processing permits, and assisting the public with their needs. They ensure everything runs smoothly in our local government. These employees have families to support, needing money for housing, food, education, and healthcare. By giving them fair pay, we help them take care of their families and continue to provide excellent service to our community. Ensuring they are paid well is crucial for keeping Merced County a great place to live.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carlos Alcala
Open the Abandoned Roosevelt Roads Naval Station for Rescue of Animals Suffering in the StreetsTourists do not enjoy seeing suffering animals on the streets everywhere on the island while they are vacationing. The 2007 Massacre in Barceloneta where about 80 dogs were seized by government contractors and thrown off a 50-foot highway bridge in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico, gained the world's attention and led to a tourism boycott. Authorities estimated the subsequent losses in tourism income to be more than $15 million. The government continues with mass killings at "shelters" and deplorable standards for the protection and treatment animals. As Puerto Rico increases it's tourism, exposure of the animal crisis on the island also increases and therefore the potential for another tourism boycott and the loss of many millions of dollars to the economy of Puerto Rico.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lody Isaac
End corruption on the Supreme Court! Hold Clarence Thomas accountable.It seems that there’s no end to how many luxury vacations, shady payments, and lavish gifts Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has received. The Senate Judiciary Committee recently reported that Thomas took an additional 3 trips — including a yacht vacation in Indonesia — funded by billionaire GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow. Over two decades, Clarence Thomas has received over $4 million in gifts, much of which have been undisclosed like these trips with Crow. These GOP billionaire-funded gifts and the many scandals and conflicts of interest on the Court — between Thomas, Alito, and Roberts — cast serious doubt on the impartiality and ethical standards on SCOTUS. But Congress can hold Thomas accountable and finally end corruption on the Supreme Court, by passing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act.. The list of Thomas’ corruption scandals is long and includes mysterious, unexplained business income, a web of conservative dark money benefitting him and his wife, failures to recuse himself from cases where he has clear conflicts of interest, and much more. Here’s how the New York Times put Thomas’ refusal to recuse himself from Trump’s immunity case it: “Justice Clarence Thomas, who participated in the case despite his wife [Ginni] Thomas’s own vigorous efforts to overturn the election.” Justice Alito also recently became enmeshed in a new corruption scandal when it was discovered that a Stop the Steal style flag was flying over his house in 2020. The flag flew as the Court considered whether or not to take on a critical election case in the days after the Capitol riots, just before President Biden was sworn in. The Supreme Court is supposed to be fair and independent, but conservative Justices’ corruption and ethics scandals are piling up. We need Congress to pass this bill to finally create a real, binding code of conduct for our federal courts. Sign the petition: Pass a Supreme Court Ethics Act to end corruption by Clarence Thomas and the other right-wing Justices on SCOTUS. SOURCES: - https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-jet-flights-senate-investigation-scotus - https://x.com/stevenmazie/status/1798738498201202993 - https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/legal-scholars-are-shocked-by-ginni-thomass-stop-the-steal-texts - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html224 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Call on Congress: Skip Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Speech!Right now, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to wage a devastating war in Gaza, while undermining diplomacy and ignoring calls and protests from thousands of Israelis, including hostages’ families, to accept a ceasefire that can end the violence, bring their loved ones home, and build true security. None of this is a one-off for PM Netanyahu, who has built a career on impunity and sabotaging peace processes. His current resume includes everything from domestic corruption charges to accusations of empowering Hamas to weaken a two-state solution. Despite all this, House Speaker Mike Johnson — with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries in tow — has officially invited PM Netanyahu to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress later this summer. No matter your politics, one thing is clear: Granting PM Netanyahu a congressional platform will come at the expense of peace. Nothing will change if leaders who continuously choose violence over peace are given huge megaphones and political cover, especially by the U.S. government. This speech is scheduled for July 24, and that’s why we’re working fast to pile on the pressure to urge members of Congress to RSVP ‘No’.35,458 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Win Without War
Impeach Judge Marcella Matos WilsonJudge Wilson took an oath to protect the rights of the people. Instead, she maliciously and arbitrarily deprives the people of the very rights she swore to protect. The NJ Consitution grants the people the power. WE are the government and when it needs to be reformed, we petition for redress. There is no authority in our country that allows a judge to strip families of their Constitutional rights. My children and I have been separated for 16 months and the pain is indescribable. Failure to uphold and protect our rights will not be tolerated by the citizens of NJ. If Judge Wilson has exempted my family from the Constitution, anyone else’s could be next. We must send a STRONG message that NJ Judges who wage war against the Constitution and our families have no place in our courts. Silence is consent. Please sign. WE THE PEOPLE!58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Monica Ciardi
**Petition to Address the Exploitation of Players in the Mavericks Independent Baseball League**These changes are essential to ensure that the league operates with integrity and fairness, honoring the dedication and passion of its players. We call upon the league's management to take immediate action to rectify these issues and create a supportive environment for all players.141 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jordan Drake