#SavingNelsonThis message is crucial because it highlights a severe injustice and failure within our legal and social systems, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of a vulnerable child. N.A.G.A aka Nelson, who has already endured unimaginable abuse and trauma, was wrongly sent back to the very people who trafficked and exploited him, despite clear evidence of his victimization and the protections to which he is legally entitled. The message underscores the critical need for accountability and reform in handling cases of child trafficking and abuse. It brings to light the failures of various authorities, including the Department of Family and Protective Services, law enforcement, and the judiciary, in safeguarding Nelson's rights and ensuring his protection. Nelson's story is a poignant reminder of the real-world consequences of bureaucratic negligence and legal missteps, and it calls for immediate action to rectify these injustices and secure a safe future for him. By sharing Nelson’s plight, we draw attention to the broader issues of human trafficking and the importance of upholding the rights of survivors. It advocates for systemic changes to prevent such egregious failures from recurring and reinforces the need for a compassionate, informed approach to child welfare and human trafficking cases. Nelson deserves not only our attention but our action to ensure that he is safe, loved, and given the opportunity to heal from his past trauma. #savingnelson911 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Saving Nelson
Restore Timely Payments For Medical Interpreters in Washington State!!!Please help us by signing this petition on behalf of Language Access Providers so that we can continue providing caring, professional interpretation services to those who need it most.333 of 400 SignaturesCreated by WA INTERPRETERS
Vertol Systems: STOP profiting off of deceived migrants and stop the inhumane flights NOW!Ron DeSantis, Florida Republicans, and Vertol Systems didn’t stop with the Martha’s Vineyard flight. In June, 36 Latin American migrants were deceived and promised work, housing, and food if they agreed to be flown to California on a chartered flight organized by Vertol Systems. And just last month, DeSantis floated the idea of flying Haitian migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Enough is enough! We have to stop these flights before it’s too late. The migrants who were trafficked to Martha’s Vineyard have since sued Vertol Systems, and a federal judge has allowed the lawsuit to proceed and said that there was evidence to support that the migrants were targeted because they were Latinx. The federal judge recognized these sham flights as a political stunt asserting that DeSantis was exploiting migrants "in a scheme to boost the national profile of Defendant DeSantis and manipulate them for political ends,” and ruled that the treatment of these migrants was "extreme, outrageous, uncivilized, intolerable, and stunning.” It’s shameful that instead of treating asylum-seekers with the due process, dignity and care they deserve, Vertol Systems and Republican governors like Ron DeSantis are exploiting them and using them as political pawns. These are not isolated incidents. They are deliberate actions relentlessly carried out by anti-immigrant Republicans. It’s completely unacceptable, and there is no excuse for Vertol Systems to continue profiting off of deceived migrants. They must stop organizing the flights NOW. Will you take action and sign the petition?17,048 of 20,000 Signatures
Stand with MN Immigrants Support the North STAR ActTen percent of Minnesota's residents are immigrants. They are our neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers. They work, pay taxes, and contribute billions of dollars to state revenue every year. Still, many are subject to arbitrary and prolonged detention, exorbitant bail, or even deportation as a result of trivial interactions with local law enforcement. Blurring the lines between law enforcement and immigration enforcement erodes trust between immigrants and police, uproots beloved community and family members from their homes, and enables racial profiling. Doing better by immigrant communities in Minnesota benefits us all. Many immigrants don't trust law enforcement because it can double as immigration enforcement. This creates fear that they may be turned over to ICE detention in asking for help. As a result, many immigrants avoid reporting crimes or seeking emergency services. Immigration detention doesn't keep us safe. Almost 2/3 of those held in ICE detention have no criminal record. Most immigrants referred to ICE detention by local law enforcement have only minor offenses, like traffic violations. ICE detention often removes a primary breadwinner from immigrant households. This can push families into financial crisis. When parents are at home families are safer and healthier. The North STAR Act will benefit all Minnesotans. Immigrants will be able to seek medical care and emergency services without fear. Employers will benefit from a more stable workforce. Law enforcement can use freed up resources on more appropriate public safety tasks.572 of 600 SignaturesCreated by MIRAC
Grant DACA Recipients CitizenshipBusinesses, healthcare providers, non-profit organizations, and local government jobs may encounter workforce disruptions and challenges in maintaining missions when DACA recipients face delays in renewals. This can impact productivity, economic growth, and the provision of essential public services.264 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jony Castillo
Chicago's Welcoming City Status Is Under Attack–Help Defend It!Chicago’s long-standing status as a city that proudly welcomes immigrants is under attack. Over the past year, a small but loud group of anti-immigrant politicians have sought to undermine Chicago's long standing "Welcoming City" ordinance. Chicago first became a "Welcoming City" in 1985—nearly 40 years ago—through an executive order signed by Mayor Harold Washington. The ordinance allows immigrants to access critical services without fear of being deported or arrested simply because of their immigration status. But a few opportunistic anti-immigrant politicians and their far right followers have been working to revoke our status, using unfounded and biased fear-based tactics to turn neighbors against each other. These efforts are part of a larger, nationwide attack on immigrant communities, and they have no place in Chicago. Studies have shown that "Welcoming City" ordinances make cities safer, and repealing them would do nothing to address the challenges the city is currently facing in caring for new arrivals. We urge elected officials to firmly resist any efforts to repeal Chicago's “Welcoming City” status and instead work to secure the city, state, and federal funding needed to fully support all of our communities!185 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Erica Sagrans
Seeking Asylum is a Basic Human RightIt can take YEARS to be granted asylum in the US- but it starts with an interview at entry. The "credible fear" interview occurs when a potential asylum seeker expresses why they are fleeing their home country. If granted, the person/family begins the process for consideration of asylum. It took one local family over 20 years for their asylum case. We should NOT be increasing the BARRIERS to consideration for asylum at stage one.2,784 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Charla Nich
Your comments are needed to support critical new DOL H-2A regulationsIn September, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed new regulations for the H-2A guest worker program that would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Transparency and accountability in the H-2A program will in turn improve the wages and working conditions of US workers. The 327 pages of complex regulations by the Biden administration would improve the lives of the hard working men and women who harvest our food and reflect the recommendations that the farm worker movement have been making for years. The public comment period will be open until November 14th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by sending your email to make sure the final regulations are as strong as possible and improve workers' conditions, wages, and ability to organize. The proposed DOL regulations would improve conditions for H-2A farm workers by: * Strengthening workers' right to advocate, form a union & have key services in employer-provided housing * Protecting workers from unjust firing, retaliation, and other violations by employers * Prohibiting employers from confiscating travel documents to prevent human trafficking * Targeting unlawful fees, fraud, and other abuse in the recruitment and hiring of workers These changes are urgently needed. Just last year, a federal investigation uncovered how H-2A employers ran a human trafficking ring, described by prosecutors as "modern day slavery" in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. In Utah, the former President of the Utah Farm Bureau is now subject to a human trafficking investigation after physically assaulting H-2A workers on his farm. Wage theft, abuse and exploitation are commonplace in the H-2A program and displace US workers while employers profit. This can't keep happening. The current system is broken and oversight is urgently needed and the regulations must be changed. Take action to send us your comments, add a personalized comment on the box on the share page and we can submit them en masse and save you the difficulty of navigating through the government website.380 of 400 SignaturesCreated by United Farm Workers UFW
Tell Congress: No war in Mexico!Unhinged MAGA Republicans want to go to war with Mexico. I wish I was joking, but unfortunately, it’s true.1 Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to authorize military use of force against Mexico2, similar to use of force laws used against Afghanistan and Iraq. Mexico isn’t just our neighbor to the south, they’re also our closest trading partner. A MAGA war against Mexico is as dangerous as it is potentially disastrous. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to reject MAGA plans to go to war against Mexico! I can’t even believe I’m writing this, but earlier this year Trump asked military advisers to draw up “battle plans” against Mexico, including dropping bombs.3 If the US attacks Mexico like this, how will any other country on the international stage trust us or take us seriously in the future? Also, let’s not forget that the US is already sinking millions of tax dollars into the “War on Drugs” and it’s not working. We’ve destabilized Latin American democracies, creating environments ripe for human rights abuses and government corruption, which only strengthens the drug cartels we’re fighting against. Bombing Mexico won’t end the “War on Drugs,” anyone with common sense can see that. Unfortunately MAGA extremists aren’t interested in reason or real, fact-based solutions to address the addiction crisis in America. When Trump says “bombs” they fall in line. That’s why we have to stop this dead in its tracks. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to reject MAGA plans to bomb Mexico! Sources: 1. Rolling Stone, “Trump Asks Advisers for ‘Battle Plans’ to ‘Attack Mexico’ if Reelected,” March 29, 2023. 2. Politico, “GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl,” April 10, 2023. 3. Rolling Stone, “Trump Asks Advisers for ‘Battle Plans’ to ‘Attack Mexico’ if Reelected,” March 29, 2023.145 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Expel Marjorie T. Greene From The U.S. CongressMarjorie Taylor Greene has been associated with several conspiracy theories in the past. It's important to note that she has distanced herself from some of these theories or claimed that her views have evolved. Here are a few examples: 1. QAnon: Greene has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, which alleges a secret plot against President Trump by a deep state of pedophiles and Satan-worshipping elites. She has since distanced herself from QAnon and stated that she no longer believes in it. 2. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: In social media posts, Greene has suggested that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that evidence supports controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center buildings. 3. False Flag Shootings: Greene has commented that mass shootings, such as the Parkland school shooting and the Las Vegas shooting, were staged or false flag operations. 4. Jewish Space Laser: In a Facebook post, Greene endorsed a conspiracy theory that blamed wildfires in California on a Jewish-controlled space laser. She has since disputed this theory and called it a mistake. 5. Pizzagate: Greene has liked and shared social media posts about the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, falsely claiming that high-ranking Democrats were involved in a child sex trafficking ring operating out of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. 6. Deep State: Greene has frequently used the term "deep state" to refer to a secret network of government officials and bureaucrats working to undermine President Trump and his administration. 7. COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: Greene has expressed skepticism about the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, questioned the effectiveness of masks, and suggested that the virus may have been intentionally released. 8. Recorded Revenge Impeachments motions. It's important to note that experts and mainstream media outlets have widely debunked these conspiracy theories. Greene's association with these theories has drawn criticism and controversy.5,332 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Steven Carrero
Don't let Biden deport a Black Mauritanian man to slavery!I.S. and his family know what awaits him if he's deported to Mauritania—retaliation, torture, and possibly death. He was recently transferred to the ICE jail in Prairieland. We fear his deportation is imminent. Biden and Mayorkas have the power to save I.S. and grant TPS for Mauritania, as well as to release the more than 100 Mauritanian refugees locked up in Adelanto. Let them know we want them to use this power today! Read "'Guilty until proven innocent'? Advocates say Black immigrants face racial bias," Columbus Dispatch, 7/13/23, https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/13/guilty-until-proven-innocent-advocates-say-immigration-court-is-racist-black-african-immigrants/69629480007/ and "Letter to ICE Urging Release of Mauritanian Asylum Seekers," 7/19/23, https://www.aclu.org/documents/letter-to-ice-urging-release-of-mauritanian-asylum-seekers.230 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mauritanian Network for Human Rights in US
Urge OSHA to Implement Immediate Heat StandardsThe summer heat will soon be here and farm workers and other outdoor workers desperately need a federal heat standard. The need is more urgent than ever, with the way the government has shifted to the right. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis just signed a bill which bans local ordinances giving workers water and shade breaks. It also bans local governments from requiring that employers conduct heat- exposure training programs. It takes away protections for employees who report heat exposure issues and removes record-keeping requirements. The new law takes effect July 1. Texas - already first in work-related heat exposure deaths - passed a similar law last summer. The “Death Star Bill” limits local governments from establishing ordinances for mandatory water and shade breaks for outdoor workers. These state bills are examples of why all farm workers and outdoor workers desperately need federal heat protections. Heat risk is real. Climate change is happening and outdoor workers are more and more in danger every year. Extreme temperatures could make thousands of workers seriously ill – and even suffer heat stroke and die. Farm workers are as much as 35 times more likely to die from heat than any other civilian occupation. Only a handful of states – California, Oregon and Washington – have policies on farm work in extreme heat. This lack of regulations puts farm workers in an impossible situation where they are forced to choose between making a living and taking care of their health. Currently, OSHA is relying on the "general duty" clause that says the general duty of an employer is to provide safe working conditions. That's not enough. Instead, workers need enforceable protections and penalties – including criminal proceedings – so dangerous incidents never happen. The men, women and children working in our fields can't wait. A Department of Labor committee recommended OSHA pass permanent rules, but this can take years. Workers need immediate heat standards to be put in place – before more people die. Heat deaths are preventable tragedies. The prevention is nothing complicated: shade, cool water, rest, education and monitoring. Sign our petition today and demand OSHA enact immediate heat regulations!9,164 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by United Farm Workers UFW