• Urgent: Demand Congressional Action for FEMA Support Post-Hurricane Beryl
    Signing the petition to get our congressman to advocate for us with FEMA is crucial for several reasons: 1. Amplify Our Voice: A petition demonstrates that a significant number of constituents are concerned about an issue. This collective voice is more likely to get the attention of our congressman and prompt action. 2. Urgent Needs: FEMA assistance is often needed to address urgent needs following disasters, such as providing temporary housing, financial aid, and recovery resources. Our congressman's advocacy can expedite this process. 3. Accountability: By signing the petition, we hold our elected representative accountable to the community. It reminds them of their responsibility to represent and support our interests. 4. Resource Allocation: Effective advocacy can ensure that our community receives a fair share of resources and support from FEMA, which can be crucial for rebuilding and recovery efforts. 5. Highlighting Issues: A petition can bring to light specific issues or challenges our community faces that might not be widely known. This can help tailor FEMA's response to better meet our needs. 6. Building Support: A strong show of support through a petition can encourage other elected officials and organizations to join our cause, creating a broader coalition for effective action. By signing the petition, you help ensure our community's needs are heard and addressed promptly and effectively.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wess Schulze
  • Stop Carbon Capture and Storage from Coming to Pennsylvania
    Minutes after we started this petition yesterday afternoon, Governor Shapiro signed the bill. Now it is up to the legislature to repeal it. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an unproven technology that has never worked. Naomi Oreskes, best known as the co-author of Merchants of Doubt, wrote in an essay in Scientific American in March that she is among geologists who believe that long term CO2 storage could be achieved, but that its success relies on identifying sites where CO2 will remain sequestered. “But site characterization takes time that we don't have,” she says. She points out that billions were spent over two decades to evaluate Yucca Mountain as a site for nuclear waste disposal before the proposal failed. Identifying sequestration sites is just as challenging. For years, we were told that Pennsylvania's geology was not suited to injection wells, the wells used for underground storage. Our geology hasn't changed, yet we've seen a huge increase in injection well projects, most of them Class II wells used for oil & gas waste. CCS requires its own class of well the EPA calls Class VI injection wells. Identifying sites for those wells is particularly challenging in Pennsylvania, not just because of our geology, but because the CCS involves injecting CO2 into pore space below a cap rock, or the impermeable rock, that will keep CO2 from leaking. The Marcellus would be the likely cap rock, but its integrity is in question because of decades of drilling and fracking and because there are hundreds of thousands of abandoned wells in the Marcellus. Does that disqualify the Marcellus from being a suitable cap rock? Does the corrosive effect of the CO2 compromise the cap rock? What does permanent, as in permanent sequestration, mean?  Scientists are still trying to answer these questions and many others. If scientists don't know the answers, our state legislators don't know them either. That didn't stop them from passing the bill without any hearings or discussion and without referring it to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. The scientific and technological unknowns are concerning enough, but Yaw's bill takes aim at the public by imposing a form of subsurface eminent domain that bars people from saying no to injection into their pore space if enough neighbors say yes. It then shifts liability from the industry to the state so the taxpayers are left holding the bag when something goes wrong. And it exposes communities to dangerous Class VI wells and the CO2 pipelines that would deliver the CO2 to the site. The only ones who benefit from SB 831 are those who will profit from using PA as a CO2 waste dump. The rest of us have everything to lose. CCS is one of the false climate solutions that allows the fossil fuel industry to continue doing business as usual, but it's also the technology that turns gray hydrogen blue. The blue hydrogen hubs proposed for Pennsylvania use methane as a feedstock to produce the hydrogen. That means more drilling and fracking, more harms to our communities, and more climate-killing methane leaks. Governor Shapiro failed to protect Pennsylvania. It's up to the legislature now.
    2,504 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun
  • Help Save Sacred Lands in Arizona From Destruction!
    Right now, Chí’chil Biłdagoteel Historic District of Arizona, a high desert oasis sacred to multiple Indigenous tribes and commonly known as “Oak Flat,” is under extreme threat. Rio Tinto, a UK-Australian mining company — notorious for polluting Papua New Guinea, causing an environmental disaster in Brazil that left 19 dead, and blowing up Juukan Gorge, a treasured 46,000-year-old Aboriginal site in Australia — would destroy the area by carving out a 1,115-foot deep, 1.8 mile-wide crater for strip mining. A coalition of Western Apache tribes and their allies is taking their case to the Supreme Court after the Ninth Circuit narrowly ruled against them earlier this year. It’s the necessary next step in this fight. Still, we’ve seen the Court fail to protect Native rights and the environment before — that’s why we need to work every possible angle to #SaveOakFlat. As the litigation continues, we’re piling the pressure on Congress to pass Rep. Raúl Grijalva's Save Oak Flat from Foreign Mining Act. This bill would reverse the land transfer and permanently protect the area — and building enough support to pass it in the House is one more way to ensure Oak Flat remains sacred and pristine for generations to come. Can you take two seconds to act to uphold tribal sovereignty and permanently protect this sacred space? Urge your Rep. to support and pass this legislation now.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • President Biden: Permanently stop fossil fuel gas exports!
    The U.S. is the top exporter of largest liquefied “natural” gas exporter in the world. This “natural” gas is up to 95% of methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide! People are dying from the pollution caused by these methane gas export facilities. Local residents call the region between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana, where 200 fossil fuel plants operate, “Cancer Alley”. Areas of Cancer Alley have the highest risk of cancer from industrial air pollution in the country, in addition to higher rates of low birth weights, preterm births. Stopping these exports and the construction of more export facilities is also a racial justice issue; Black residents in Cancer Alley face higher rates of exposure to pollution than white residents. We need to phase out fossil fuels and invest in our clean energy future. The Biden administration has the power to end these dangerous gas exports permanently and to hold fossil fuel polluters accountable for the damage they are causing to our communities. We must uphold our global climate agreements and commitment to achieve a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 for our planet and its people. Add your name to the petition to urge President Biden to continue the fight against fossil fuels and for a clean energy future!
    1,668 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Unacceptable Living Conditions at Chase Arbor Apartments
    This is important because the condition of property does not coincide with the price of rent . Chase Arbor Apartment complex are scamming people into signing these lease agreements and pay unnecessary fees. If future residents were informed of these issues beforehand, many would choose not live at Chase Arbor. Residents deserve a safe comfortable home to stay in.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demi Wiggs
  • Save Parks & Recreation, Save Dog Church
    Let's keep our parks and recreations space for parks and recreation and the active use by our neighborhood and fellow Huntsvillians. Cemeteries fill up. It happens. I know that Maple Hill Cemetery is getting full if not nearly full already, but there are other cemeteries. Once we give up the recreation and pubic space we can never get it back.
    227 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ben Payment
  • Boaters swim area addition
    Join our Petition to create more boaters swim areas and safe places for our children to grow up and enjoy nature . 
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Burke
  • Save our beautiful New Rochelle beaches !
    The Long Island Sound is too special to lose due to an identifiable and fixable problem.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Chadwick
  • End Nicotine Testing On Animals
    There are many ethical concerns on animal testing, but above all which reaserchers care about is the accuracy of these tests, but there are crucial differencs. Different animals will have different reactions, laboratory animals are not exposed to smoke in the same manner or time frame that human smokers are. Much information has been obscured because there has been no link with the reactions on animals to humans. The biological differences are no surprise, our cells, nose filtering abilities, lungs and more have many differences of those of the animals. Simply, animals should not be used for predications on humans. Beagles were forced to smoke around 2 packs a day, monkeys were forced to smoke 6 hours a day for a year, mice get cigar tar smeared on them inducing tumors; all these experiments continously went on until the animals were killed and of no more use.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brany Acevedo
  • Our Safe Place NEEDS YOUR HELP!
    Nonprofit organizations that focus on youth development and issues are crucial because they provide essential support and resources to help young individuals grow, learn, and overcome challenges. We plan to expand and offer mentorship programs, educational opportunities, and guidance that can positively impact the lives of young people, shaping them into future leaders and contributing members of society. By addressing the specific needs of youth, we aspire to play a vital role in creating a better future for the next generation!
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Our Safe Place
  • Stop New Hampshire Electric Coop from Spraying Herbicides Near Lakes
    We have seen the harmful effects of chemicals like Roundup, which has been linked to cancer. Spraying herbicides near our water bodies will be detrimental to the entire ecosystem around the lakes, affecting both wildlife and human health.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oleksandra Campbell
  • Basketball Court Lights & Maintenance In Buenaventura Lakes Osceola County!
    It's very Important, because it's everyone's safety and makes the park look better, feel better and let's everyone enjoy the sport they love without the risk of an injury, or not being able to see, due to no lights and keeps us safer.  "Much needed love and attention"
    253 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Eric Gonzalez Picture