To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

4 easy steps to make 30 million new US jobs,

1. End the US's membership in the WTO and NAFTA, and any other "free trade" agreement that makes super low wage under poverty third world country manufacturing that much more attractive to US companies.
2. Make trade agreements that will make it mandatory to pay workers of any country involved to be higher than the poverty level by at least 50%.
3. Make Unionizing employees of any company with more than 100 workers easier.
4. Do not trade with countries that do not have laws to protect their workers like we do in the US.

Why is this important?

Here are some basic policies that would lead to the creation of 30 million or more US middle wage jobs.
