To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

50 years later, we STILL need the Voting Rights Act

Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act and restore protections voters need to make their voices heard

Why is this important?

50 years ago this month, the Voting Rights Act was enacted, protecting millions of Americans against politically motivated attacks on their right to vote.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court gutted many of these protections, claiming that voter discrimination was a thing of the past.

Since then, opportunistic politicians have proven the Court wrong, rolling back key reforms and building new barriers to the ballot box with the intent -- and effect -- of keeping folks from voting.

The government shouldn't get to pick and choose which citizens can vote -- we need to restore the Voting Rights Act's protections. Tell Congress to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act and make sure every American's voice is heard in our democracy.

