To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

A ban againts gun violence in teenage movies

As we all know millions of people across the world are morning the lost of 26 inocent people and 20 of them were children. A gun fell into the hands of a gun man and it was used to take the life of 26 people in (Our World). Not only should gun controll be set into motion. There should be ban to all movies showing teenageers taking their parents guns. For example 21 Jump Stret there are teenagers in this movie that take their parents guns to go out and set up a meeting with drug dealers and it turns into a shoot out taking the lifes of people. althou it is a movie teenagers think thats cool. Not just this movie there are other movies out there that shows this disturbing behaveior. Lets stop the mainstreming in television with our kids. Lets give them something else to do in this world instead of teaching them gun violence. They can make a difference and so can you.

Why is this important?

Teenage kids are being highly influenced by movies to take there parents or family members guns and use them to harm and kill inocent people. This Petition is to stop thw main streaming of gun violence in movies that effects teenage kids