To: President Donald Trump and The United States House of Representatives
A Blue Print for America's Success
The American people petition to end all grid-lock, red tape in DC; We petition all lawmakers & ALL White House Officials to swiftly & efficiently implement/enforce laws, policies, procedures to protect all defenseless children & ALL adults from mass murders, killings, violence, abuse & bullying of ANY kind. We petition to engage top Mental Health Experts like Deepak Chopra, Dr.Daniel Amen,Dr.Jeff Gardere, Dr.Micheal Welner, Dr.Wayne Dyer, Dr.Iyanla Vanzant, Tony Robbins, TD Jakes,Gary Zukav,Dr.Tiffanie Davis to volunteer,shed light, help kids & young people. We petition to have communication with ALL White House Officials to share our concerns, thoughts, ideas & get answers at least within 7-14 days or 30 days max (depending on complexity). We petition the best FREE TOP QUALITY mental health care (ongoing) to anyone who needs help & for everyone with a disability to be treated with dignity & respect. We petition lawmakers to sign Bob Dole's treaty to help individuals with disabilities. We respectfully request all White House Officials to hold Camp David style meetings to discuss myriad of serious issues citizens face today & to engage all citizens around the world who want to sign in on-line & communicate directly with all top White House officials. We, the People, petition our right to engage in the decision making process. We petition to end a culture & society of complete astounding indifference. Indifference to any amount of human suffering is the root of all evil.
Why is this important?
Supporting having the conversations about issues & concerns that impact our culture, our society and our lives and how to implement an action plan addressing the core issues, concerns & various problems that exists in our society today. Giving millions of people in America an opportunity to voice their concerns; share their thoughts, feelings, experiences & share their ideas regarding possible solutions and how this would impact our culture & society overall.