To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

March for the 99%

The energy of the Occupy Movement is undeniable. From Wall Street to Main Street, the American people approve of Occupy. This movement has captured the imaginations of people of all ages. It has worked so well because we, the 99%, have come together for redress of the injustices perpetrated against our people. We seek peace and equity, and an America for all, not just the richest.

We have seen business fail America. We feel the weight of the Recession, the Recession that has not ended for much of America. We have seen government fail America. Washington fights over the debt while Americans fight to stay afloat. We see a better America. We are calling to account the perpetrators of this economic, social, and environmental ruin. On streets throughout America, this movement has gained strength. We have your attention; we have their attention. We have a peaceful movement of people all over the country wanting to be heard.

This is a call for a peaceful march on Washington, DC. We have the people, and we must come together. Spread the word, join together, and the whole country will listen.

Why is this important?

Occupy Wall Street has exploded and the momentum must not be squandered. We need a massive, peaceful march in Washington to show support for the reforms we want.
