To: Sheila Butt, District Rep, Dean Dickey, Mayor, Bob Corker, R-TN, Lamar Alexander, R-TN, President Donald Trump, The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, Governor Bill Lee, The United States House of Representatives, and The...

A Maury County Tennessee Mom's Battle

A Tennessee Mother lost custody of her two oldest children from a previous marriage when a Chancery Court Judge signed an emergency restraining order for her current husband yelling and cursing at her teenage daughter. After going through extensive medical testing, we come to find out that the current husband had suffered Tramatic Brain Injury from a car accident he had been involved in two years prior and it had went unknown. He had began to have these emotional outburst more and more often. However, after several court dates, the Chancery Judge just kept saying to the mother, you are protecting your husband over your children. The attorney said the only way your going to even get visitations back with your kids is if you divorce your crrent husband and get him out of the picture, which the mother did and still when she went back to court, the Judge stated she did not see that as a Change of Circumstances and refused to change anything. This has went on for almost 6 months now. The children's father refuses to allow me to participate in any of the kids school, extra curriculum activities, dr's appts, etc. and when this was brought up in court, the Judge called the Mother controlling. A notice of Appeal has now been filed, but we have been told that the Court of Appeals is a year behind on reviewing cases. DCS was also involved in the case and once Chancery Court became involved, they dropped out of the case on my two oldest children and only completed the case on my 2 year old son, which they never removed him from the home and never determined that he had been abused. The case was closed, but they refused to help me get the other children back or to help me get the case heard in Juvenile Court, where child abuse and neglect cases are suppose to be heard. In Chancery Court, the judge refused to grant my children a Guardian Ad Latium, she denied counseling, she denied any and everything I would ask for.

Why is this important?

My petition is about our court system not be educated enough to properly handle Child Custody cases, not taking the appropriate time to make determinations and therefore not doing what's in the best interest of our children.