To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

A Middle Class Amendment

As a middle class society is the mainstay of a strong economy and
vibrant democracy and critical to the long‐term prosperity and stability
of a republican form of government; and as a middle class society is supported by the public investment in basic building blocks to create opportunity, to guarantee its survival and growth, Congress will commit to provide by law and to protect for its citizens an economic and social environment conducive to living wage jobs, a clean and safe environment, a comprehensive public education system, a stable and functioning transportation system, and access to affordable comprehensive health care.

Why is this important?

We can't take our middle class economy for granted. It will not somehow fix itself. In fact, it is more likely to continue to devolve into an economy that cannot grow or provide economic opportunity for most of us. Neither the “invisible hand” of the market, nor piece‐ meal legislative initiatives proposed by well‐meaning politicians, will get us where we need to be. We need something bigger, something more comprehensive, something more lasting. That “something” is an amendment to the United States Constitution to protect our middle class economy
