To: Preserve Rhode Island

A new Historic Tax Credit will create jobs.

I urge the General Assembly to pass a new Historic Tax Credit bill that will create jobs; put abandoned and disused historic buildings back on the tax rolls; restore economic self sufficiency to our municipalities; and attract visitors to enhance economic activity in our historic cities and towns. Message to the Rhode Island General Assembly: PASS A NEW HISTORIC TAX CREDIT BILL THIS SESSION.

Why is this important?

From 2002-2008, $1.3 billion of private investment was pumped into the RI economy while cities and towns were brought back to life and mills and factories were turned into vibrant living communities and commercial centers. 22,000 construction jobs and 6,000 permanent jobs were created. The time is NOW for the General Assembly to enact a new Historic Tax Credit bill. Please sign the petition and pass along to your colleagues and friends and help this petition go viral!
