To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

A New Idea for Cutting Spending

Call upon certain Members of Congress to agree to a cut in pay for themselves and/or their staff. Also, ask them to give up some of the perks they receive for doing their job. If they are not doing the work that was clearly defined for them in November, their "pay cuts" could add to the spending cuts they are looking for in order to move forward on the "fiscal cliff" issues.

Why is this important?

If the average American worker refused to work diligently at doing their job - there would be no job. Members of Congress make well over $100,000 per year, have several paid members on their staff, and other "perks" for doing their job. However, since many are not doing the job that the American electorate clearly defined for them in November, they should take a cut to help relieve the deficit.
