To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

A New WPA To Put Americans Back To Work

Tell Capitol Hill that the most important issue we face is the creation of jobs. Putting Americans back to work fixing our crumbling infrastructure will bolster our economy by addressing two of the most urgent issues we face in the recovery from this Great Recession. It will also raise the revenue stream that results from growth in personal income of the middle class, to pay down our national debt. This is part of the sound legacy we must leave future generations!

Why is this important?

Capitol Hill needs to get priorities straight and stop putting the cart before the horse. What we need first is jobs! Nothing will get better until we have created jobs to provide income to American households... not the housing market, not the deficit, not the any part of the free market. Our nation's infrastructure is crumbling, so doesn't it make sense to focus on the horse that pulls the cart carrying all those ancillary issues? Any stimulus money our government has at it's disposal needs to be used to repairing and rebuilding roads, bridges, levees and dams we have depended on since FDR's program created them and brought us out of The Great Depression? Doing so would put countless numbers back to work, and that horse would be better able to pull the wagon that holds the debt ceiling and deficit issues we must ultimately address.
