To: Nancy Pelosi

A Petition Against A Democratic Compromise With the GOP

Please let's end the misconception and end the talk of compromise; there is no compromise that is justified when one side gets all and the other side feels nothing but pain.

Our liberal and democratic representatives are getting this wrong big time. They say we should compromise, so that everyone goes home a winner and that each side should give a little. Where did that brain dead idea come from?

. You give a little after you've gotten a little. They the rich right has gotten ten years of major tax breaks, loopholes, lowering of rates, and all other kinds of perks and they they proceeded to run the country into the ground, causing us to bail them out, the banks, the lending companies, and big business....
What did we get? NOthing!
The Right taps into our SS reserve and then blame us for causing debt? The SS Lock Box has nothing to do with debt, nor is it a repository for Republican investment; it is supposed to be held sacrosanct for payments of SS; nothing else. We would be in fine shape if nobody treated our SS as another source of funding..

Moreover, did we get any big boost in our SS benefits to make it look like we can sacrifice something now? An exclamatory, NO! If anything, the government misleadingly calls food and fuel uninflationary and removed them out of the index depriving us of full increases we deserved over two years. Did he put an equal hold on the Bush tax breaks? No!..... So, what have we gained as a freebie that's equivalent to what they've gained over the last four, six, eight years since the Republicans have been getting all of their extended perks a la Bush? NOTHING! and on top of that our houses are under water from fraudulent loans and lies to us and nobody is willing to extend us loans even though we bailed them out. For them, the perks they got were a big extra; for us, our benefits are life and death. for them, it's simply a great way to beat the system. We are not talking about apples and oranges here and it is discouraging to hear our own elected officials buying into these lies.....

We demand that you do not continue this charade.

We demand that you do not support any change from the original position. That means no compromise and you remove Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid from discussions.

The GOP brought up the automatic features of the debt bill and endorsed them, now let them approve the tax breaks for the people without compromise, adjustment or changes. They turned the debt, which had previously been raise automatically, into a challenge; now let them live with it. we can afford to go over the proverbial bump in the road or the "cliff" as THEY termed it, but that is their concern and it is not the problem of the democrats or reason to draw blood from the people beyond what we have already done to bail them out for reasons few understand.

Why is this important?

My petition is to take issue with Democratic talk about compromise, which involves both sides giving back something that they have gained.
But the Republicans have gained everything--tax breaks, loopholes, lowering of rates for eight years, business benefits and then proceeded to use that money to make more money, resulting in the failures of 2008, which were predicated on greed and self-interest. We on the other hand did nothing but lose, we lost our houses; we lost our jobs; yet, we paid back their debts and now they say we should give more. But we have gained nothing over the last eight years, we've even lost our senior SS increases for two years. Why should we compromise when the other side got everything; moreover, in our case the benefits we earn we paid into. They are not "freebies" or gifts. And your perks were add-ons to your already swollen accounts; while what is being asked of us is our life's blood!....