To: President Donald Trump
A Petititon To Protect Middle Class Rights
Dear President Obama, we hereby petition you to respect the wishes of the Liberal and Progressive wings of the Democratic party, a coalition that helped you win another four years as president, and we urge you to exercise your mandate to legislate from a position of power by standing firm and demanding that the GOP approve a program of increased taxes for those earning above 250,-000 in order to generate stimulative funding for programs essential to America’s health and the promulgation of small business; a program that is not based on Draconian cuts that will adversely impact the middle classe’s economic well-being; we also ask that you refrain from any consideration of making vulnerable Social Security or Medicare or Medicaid, both critical and essential programs for maintaining fairness and protection for an ageing population. These programs must be held sacrosanct for the American people who have paid into these programs that provide a level of stability and comfort to seniors in their golden years and communicate to the public at large that America stands by necessary protections for its people under the notion of what constitutes a fair and responsible America.
this Petition was created by the managers of New Progressives, a movement to protect the middle class against violations of their rights
this Petition was created by the managers of New Progressives, a movement to protect the middle class against violations of their rights
Why is this important?
This is a petition to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for all Seniors and others who expect to be covered by these protections in old-age against their being compromised, privatized, or otherwise changed in some fundamental way that could affect years of coverage, amount of coverage, and protections offered therein.