To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Abolish and outlaw religion's unconstitutional mixing with our system.

Religion has no place in our Government and laws must be put in place to prohibit it's influence in the system, whether it's on the State or Federal level, and prohibit religious ideology from being used in legislation and as a means for candidates to get votes from the people on the campaign trail.

Why is this important?

Article I of the Bill of Rights gives us the rights to freely practice religion and the freedom from religion as a governing authority. However, religion wants to overthrow our government and establish itself in the system, legislating it's ideals and forcing the people to live by it's standards. Several States in the Union already have theocratic legislation in place and assess penalties on those who do not recognize a Higher Power or do not practice religion, and require the people to be religious to qualify for a seat in public office.
