To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
The People Of The United States have had their votes compromised because the supposed intelligent Supreme Court decided that corporations are people. If corporation and big money including offshore interests can pump billions of dollars into our political process then our individual vote becomes less important. If these top feeders continue to bombard our elections with admen spin masters tactics, the American People will never know what to believe. Our one vote becomes almost useless against ads that create so much fear and distrust that they bend the will of millions to truly believe lies and half truths seeded deeply into our minds. We the people demand that our legislators change the law of our election process removing Citizens United, remove Super Pacs from our future elections. Let my vote and your vote truly mean something..
It is time to write or call your Representatives both in the Senate and the House and ask them to remove and abolish forever Citizens United, Corporations are not People.
It is time to write or call your Representatives both in the Senate and the House and ask them to remove and abolish forever Citizens United, Corporations are not People.
Why is this important?
The people of the United States deserve to know the truth, the facts so we can choose our leadership with clarity and without distractions.