To: The Iowa State House, The Iowa State Senate, and Governor Kim Reynolds

Abolish Daylight Saving Time and Recommend a New Standard Time in Iowa

To stop observing Daylight Saving Time (DST) in all states throughout the US in order to change over to a New Standard Time (NST). The NST consist of instead of moving the clock forward one hour in the spring to moving it up just a 1/2 of an hour and then keeping it PERMANENTLY FIXED at that time. The NST is being proposed to all states as the SET IT AND FORGET IT (SIFI) Proposition

Why is this important?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) interferes with many social life styles, sleep pasterns and work cycles etc and has no real benefits to our society. It is time to end DST and explore/propose a new alternative time standard that does not interfere with these situations. The NST is the perfect solution to fixing DST and bringing our time system to one that does not require any yearly changes once it is in place. For further information on the NST, SIFI and links to each states petitions go to (Please Note that you need to petition DST in the state that you reside in being that is each state within the US chooses there time systems individually. At this time Arizona and Hawaii do not observe DST)
