To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Urge Congress to mandate that the NCAA abolish amateurism bylaws regarding student-athletes abili...

To urge Congress to mandate that the NCAA abolish all bylaws, under section 12, that prohbit all student-athletes from earning income that is based on their status as a student-athlete (i.e., doing a chip and dip commercial).

Why is this important?

In 1998, the NCAA began talk about resuming pay for student-athletes and a $2,000 stipend, but 14 years later it is yet to happen.

This petition is to request that Congress mandate that the NCAA abolish all bylaws under section 12 (,, 12.5.3, and 12.5.4) that forbid student-athletes from accepting any remuneration for the use of their name or picture to advertise, recommend, endorse, or promote the sale or use of commercial products and services.

The splendor of abolishing NCAA bylaws under section 12 is that this strategy will help schools avoid Title IX and worker compensation issues. Moreover, universities and athletic departments will not have to directly compensate student-athletes because the free-market will provide enough revenue streams for student-athletes who deserve to further prosper.

Simply put, this petition is aimed at "freeing" all student-athletes to participate in the free market.
