To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Abolish outrageous lifetime benefits for members of congress and the president.

Members of congress will be required to relinquish their lifetime incomes and the free medical care and be required to pay into and receive social security and medicare benefits that have been mandated for the country. All travel and expenses will be paid out of their own pockets. When their term limits are over, they will not receive exhorbitant livetime salaries. If they are retirement age, they will be able for social security and get what they paid in to the system.

Why is this important?

I find it obscene that individuals that are supposed to be legislating for our country's best interests are not required to abide by the financial constraints that we, the people, are expected to accept. They should be required to live with social security and medicare benefits that are legislated for the rest of the country.
