To: President Donald Trump, The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Abolish the Electoral College

It is time to abolish the Electoral College. In this day and age it is amazing that we have an election system in place that does not allow the citizens of this country a direct vote to choose our elected representatives. The system instead allows for things such as electing a minority president,"faithless" electors who are not bound to vote in expression of the will of the voters who sent them to the College, the possible role of the Electoral College in depressing voter turnout, and
its failure to accurately reflect the national popular will. It also means that candidates focus on states which have large number of electors, and ignore those who do not, unless they happen to be swing states that might decide the outcome. This is not right. We cannot be a country that says it represents democracy and all that that word stands for, but do something entirely different when it comes to our elections. This must change!

Why is this important?

Its time to abolish the Electoral College and the medieval way in which our President is elected. The system has no place in a true Democracy.