To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo
Abuse of NY Justice Center
The state statistic issues that abuse and neglect is a widespread occurrence in nursing homes and residential homes of people with disabilities.However,there seems to be a lack of objective evaluations of these occurences rather than witness testimony to substantiate alleged abuse and neglect cases.These lack of objectives assessment of allegations of such nature offers a loophole to coworkers and or administration of these housing agencies to overstate non abuse and neglect case as sometimes a vindictive similar to the national epidemics of 911 call for non-emergency cases aka criminal activity . The loophole has helped residential home and nursing home owners and administrators to give a misleading impression through the amount of allegations against poor direct care worker who can't afford to defend their right before the justice center -because of low wages paid by the agencies and the long process of appeal or hearing set-up by the justice center as well as its speedy process, has allowed the justice center by default to enter this alleged. cases with or without subjective findings as substantiated abuse and neglect cases following an investigation that sometimes is biased against the alleged perpetrators.As a result ,the justice center is proud of using this a deterrent of abuse and neglect while the residential houses or nursing homes used the data as a signifiers of great advocacy agency for people with disabilities for more funding.Simply put , a current lack of objective means of investigation allows agencies to abuse the public trust by leveraging on false or less serious allegations of abuse and neglect to bolster their trust with funding agencies.We demand from our states legislative to put in place a safe system of trust to ensure an objective means of investigation of such allegations ,which ,as of now, rest on subjectives view of peers and agency -based judgement to substantiate a case.Many of the accused workers cannot afford a lawyer or are uneducated to defend their right in those instances.There is no legal service free of charge in our system for accusee and despite the longer hours of work in a high stress and health risk environment they are not guarantee a minimum wages to afford a legal service.
Why is this important?
My petition is about restoring the right of direct care worker in the field of nursing homes and residential homes for people with disabilities by ensuring proper investigative means for case of allegations of abuse and neglect.Such investigative means should be objective not subjective in order to protect bith direct care worker's right and the residence dignity.For, in most cases, the housing agency uses the allegations against direct care worker or custodian to cover up an agency-based bad management or the inabilities of the agency to operate within the frame of their licensure.An issue of conflict of interest does exist for the agency.I and many coworker are victim of such practices and an investigative documentary interviewing of
direct care workers anonymously-because of fear of losing their jobs- should validate these statements.Workers insurance in those agencies require a no fault accident _the likelyhood of which is impossible because the direct care worker duties designed by the housing agency leave no room for such things as no fault accident - for compensation of injured worker.The existing procedures and the vey low paying of direct care workers make it impossible for proper justice thereby allows housing agency to abuse of direct care worker 's right as a citizen in cases of abuse or neglect allegations.
direct care workers anonymously-because of fear of losing their jobs- should validate these statements.Workers insurance in those agencies require a no fault accident _the likelyhood of which is impossible because the direct care worker duties designed by the housing agency leave no room for such things as no fault accident - for compensation of injured worker.The existing procedures and the vey low paying of direct care workers make it impossible for proper justice thereby allows housing agency to abuse of direct care worker 's right as a citizen in cases of abuse or neglect allegations.