To: President Donald Trump, Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5), Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN-1), and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN-2)

Accept More Syrian Refugees

Please urge President Obama and Congress to accept more than 10,000 Syrian Refugees.

Why is this important?

Nashville, like many others across the nation, is a welcoming city with many programs already in place to assist immigrants and refugees who contribute to our vibrant community. In the largest refugee crisis in decades, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan officially host more than 3.75 million Syrian refugees. Germany has pledged to accept 800,000. The United States can and must take more than 10,000. Pledge to accept at least 65,000. This is how we win the war on ISIS; by showing compassion to thousands, changing hearts and minds about Americans, and living up to the words on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free".