To: Robin Smith (TN-26) and Bo Watson (TN-11)
Accept the federal funds to expand Medicaid in Tennessee."
We the people of Tennessee need to urge our elected officials to examine the Medicaid expansion more closely. This issue needs to be treated as a benevolent cause and not a pure business decision. There are too many hardworking Tennesseans without medical care.
Why is this important?
My son and I are hardworking Tennesseans as well, and we are committed entrepreneurs with an upstart business. We simply cannot afford healthcare at the moment. Just recently I got a piece of sawdust in my eye, and "man" it was in there deep. I was in extreme discomfort, but I knew an emergency room visit of $1000.00 was out of the question. So I had to lay in the floor while my son dug out the wood splinters. I am a grown man with a high tolerance for pain, but please consider for a minute that not everyone has helping family members in times of need and ask yourself what is the right thing to do. Medicaid expansion.