To: Steven Biel

Accountability for

Mr. Biel:

Your organization is out of control.'s bias and lack of guidance for decency and democracy in our Republic is skewed with great malevolence toward the conservative public at large in America.

We have been giveing you a pass to date. While you have given a pass to similar or even more fervent vitriol from the puerile left, while expecting Americans to sit by and not notice.

We notice.

Your disdain for democracy is not played well at all, and we are asking that you be held accountable by the American people.

Hear our voice. This is a shot across your bow as the Director Mr. Biel. Americans will not accept this quisling venal double standard or attitude any longer.

Litigation against your libel and slander will be the levied at you and as our next step.

The American People

Why is this important?

Getting to have to answer for the lies and attacks on the conservative citizens in America.