To: American Civil Liberties Union

ACLU please start class action harassment lawsuit against Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clint...

ACLU please start class action harassment lawsuit against Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC) for falsely reporting Bernie Sanders facebook groups to shut them down.

Why is this important?

Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary Clinton political action committee (PAC) is falsely reporting Bernie Sanders facebook groups to shut them down. Facebook is where much of the Bernie Sanders movement communicates about event and news events with each other. This is an attempt to STOP FREE SPEECH. THIS IS UNAMERICAN TO THE CORE. AND IT IS ALSO HARASSMENT. The Hillary Clinton PAC's and Campaign is using dirty and immoral tricks to try to crush the voice of the American People in any slimy way possible, in order to pursue her desperate clutch at the presidency. This is unamerican and should be condemned by Clinton. It is also harassment, and illegal cyber-stalking, and is actionable.