To: Michael Young, President, University of Washington

ACT NOW: Support UW Students in demanding Jansport improve safety in their Bangladeshi factories

UW United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) is demanding that the University of Washington cut their licensing contract with Jansport.

Why is this important?

On the eve of the anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh, one of the worst factory disasters in garment industry history, Jansport is refusing to sign onto the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. The Accord is a legally binding contract that will hold apparel brands accountable for the fire and safety standards in their factories by forcing brands like Jansport to work with unions on the ground.

We would hate to see Husky apparel in the rubble of the next great factory collapse. Add your name and pass this along to support the efforts of UW students and Bangladeshi garment workers!

For more information check out or email [email protected].