To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Action, Not Words, for Charlottesville

Persons across the political spectrum have, with great justification, expressed their sadness and dismay at the tragic events in Charlottesville, VA – events instigated by a belligerent invasion of the city by racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic groups. These events are not isolated. They join Orlando, Charleston, Boston, San Bernadino, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, and Wisconsin as instances of domestic terror.
Sadness and dismay are inadequate. Words are not enough.
The time has come for action. The action should take four forms:

1. The Justice Department should be required to declare the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and similar supremacists groups as domestic terrorists, and Congress should devote adequate funding to fight their virulent form of terror.

2. The Justice Department’s investigation of affirmative action in colleges endorses the misperception that white America is “under attack.” It should be cancelled.

3. American citizens have the right to express their opinions, whatever they are. They should also have the right to express those opinions in the voting booth without hindrance. The Voting Rights Act should be reinstated, while the unnecessary and baseless “voter fraud” investigation under the direction of Vice President Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach should be cancelled. 

4. Both national parties, Republican and Democrat, should incorporate platform planks that specifically and emphatically denounce and disavow domestic terrorists, citing the KKK, Jihadists, Neo-Nazis, and The Order (among others) by name.

These actions will not only allow the nation to begin to heal after the Charlottesville (and other) tragedies, but will make their recurrence much less likely.
Words are not enough.
The time has come for action.

Why is this important?

The racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic invasion of Charlottesville demands a greater response than our tears.