To: Columbia Law School Registrar and Columbia Law School Student Services
Add Administrative Law & Legislation to Fall 2018 Course Offerings
Dear Columbia Law School Registrar and Student Services,
We are Columbia Law Students distressed by the school’s failure to offer the courses Administrative Law and Legislation this coming semester, Fall 2018.
For many of us, this semester is our last chance to take either of these courses, as we will be studying abroad or participating in the pro bono scholars program in the Spring. Further, many of us have attempted to register for these courses multiple times, but have been unsuccessful in the lottery process. Finally, these courses are highly relevant to all of our careers and crucial for many of us who wish to work in litigation, government, public policy, or regulatory practices in the private sector.
We urge you to make these courses available for the Fall 2018 semester.
We are Columbia Law Students distressed by the school’s failure to offer the courses Administrative Law and Legislation this coming semester, Fall 2018.
For many of us, this semester is our last chance to take either of these courses, as we will be studying abroad or participating in the pro bono scholars program in the Spring. Further, many of us have attempted to register for these courses multiple times, but have been unsuccessful in the lottery process. Finally, these courses are highly relevant to all of our careers and crucial for many of us who wish to work in litigation, government, public policy, or regulatory practices in the private sector.
We urge you to make these courses available for the Fall 2018 semester.
Why is this important?
Please sign this petition if you would like to see Administrative Law and Legislation added to the Fall 2018 course offerings. These are each courses that are invaluable for certain career paths, and so in demand that many students are repeatedly denied entry through the lottery system. This affects all 3L students, not just students who will be unable to take the Spring courses due to study abroad or pro bono scholars. There are far too many of us, we will not all be able to take the Spring courses.