To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Adopt firm carbon and methane emission requirements by manufacturing and shipping corporations to...

We need to target the main causes of Greenhouse gas emissions quickly and decisively to achieve any result that will slow and even reverse the damage that has already been done to this planet. Government has been swayed too long by allowing loopholes and pocketing corporate support that does not support the people's and the planet's long term needs. Clear mandates and imposition on corporations, municipalities, and other roadways must be made to shift our global economy and national infrastructure to that of full sustainability . In addition to mandates, incentives such as greater tax credits for investing in renewable technology should be included as part of a comprehensive package to meet Carbon reduction targets.

Why is this important?

For the safety and longevity of our children, our homes and even our business we can no longer delay or apply half measure to what is a very serious issue! Investment must be made in the form of legislation. Corporations must be made to act for the good of themselves and their customers if anyone wishes to have a future on this planet. WE NEED COURAGEOUS ACTION BY OUR GOVERNMENT.