To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Adopt National Single Payer Health-Care

Individually and collectively we can't afford to put the vast majority of health care contributions generated during our prime earning years into private, term health care insurance that evaporates at job change, loss and retirement. We must adopt a single funding system to which we contribute during our prime earning, and generally healthy, years so that the necessary capital for health-care will be available and uninterrupted throughout our lives. I have contributed nearly $300,000 to health-care insurance; it makes no difference whether those contribution are labeled “taxes” or “premiums” to my financial situation. What matters is continuous connection to, and benefit of, those contributions. In the foreseeable future I'll lose all access to the benefit of those contributions and get shuffled into the well managed, highly cost efficient, but chronically underfunded funded Medicare system. Our myriad, disjoint, health-care funding “system” is a prime reason Medicare isn't funded adequately. I can't afford to walk away from $300,000, and neither can most of our citizens or the country as a whole. We also can't afford the higher costs associated with lack of health-care, frequently followed by otherwise avoidable emergency-room health-care, for those who are uninsured. The proven solution is single payer and we need to migrate the country to it now. It is a matter not only of health, but of economic viability in the future. We simply can't afford the miserably cost inefficient system we have now.

Why is this important?

Petition to repeal Obama's health-care act and adopt a universal, tax funded single payer system for all. We can no longer afford the inefficiencies and periodic losses (job losses and changes, retirement, disability, rejection by insurance companies) of coverage associated with our disjoint mix of public and private health-care funding entities. We need the efficiencies and cradle to grave coverages that can only be provided by a system based on public funding and private service delivery.