To: San Francisco Municipal Transporation Agency, Board of Directors

Adopt SFMTA Shuttle Bus Pilot Program

We the undersigned are writing to you in support of the Resolution before you to amend Division II of the Transportation Code to establish a pilot permit program to allow approved shuttles to use designated Muni stops and continue to offer thousands of San Francisco residents an environmentally friendly mass transit alternative to driving to work. It is estimated that 35,000 San Franciscans use employer provided shuttles every day, taking thousands of cars off our streets, reducing regional vehicle miles travelled totals by 45 million per year, and reducing carbon output by 11,000 metric tons annually.

We urge your support of this resolution

Why is this important?

The San Francisco Bay Area's public transportation network cannot adequately serve the region's transportation needs. In response, employers and institutions around the Bay Area have begun providing bus services to their workers and students. These buses have been shown to reduce car ownership, eliminating 45 million vehicle miles travelled from Bay Area roadways each year, and reducing carbon emissions by 11,000 metric tons. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has developed a pilot program that would allow such buses to pay to use SFMTA bus stops to load and unload their students and workers. The program would allow San Francisco residents to continue to use shuttles to commute, while reducing negative impacts on Muni services.