To: Shirley Weber (CA-79), Hannah-Beth Jackson (CA-19), Maria Elena Durazo (CA-24), and Governor Gavin Newsom

Adopt the Early Education and Child Development Package – Investment of $605 million

Since 2008, early education and child development programs in California have been cut by almost $1 billion. We urge the Conference Committee to adopt the Early Education and Child Development Package Investment of $605 million. This reinvestment is a great start in building back and expanding the system.

Why is this important?

As the conference committee starts its work to adopt a comprehensive budget package, we would like to voice our enthusiastic support of the following items proposed by legislature:

Increase in Reimbursement Rates: Increases in funding helps provide resources and training for staff in early education programs to ensure the highest quality education and school readiness to children and families.
• Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the Standard Reimbursement Rate by 20%.
• Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the Regional Market Rate to 85th percentile of the 2014 survey with a 10% deficit factor.
• Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the adjustment factor for Infants and Toddlers.
• Support the Assembly’s recommendation to adjust the Full Day Plus rate to 9 hours instead of 10.5 hours.

Increase in Access: During the recession, many child care spaces at publicly funded programs were lost. A restoration of these spaces is needed to provide access for all families needing early education programs. There is an unmet need and insufficient slots to serve all eligible children on waiting lists.
• Support the Assembly recommendation to increase the State Median Income (SMI) to 100% of the current SMI.
• Support the Assembly’s recommendation to provide 10,500 full-day preschool slot
• Support the Senate’s recommendation to provide 13,500 Alternative Payment slots.

Infrastructure Support: Core Client and Support Services are those delivered by APP staff to the families that they serve.
• Support the Assembly’s proposal to restore the Alternative Payment administration and core support rate to 20%.

We thank you for your leadership and support of early education programs.
