Let's show Adult Protective Services in Texas that they cannot override a Power of Attorney by using lies, defaming characters, not alerting family in mail or in person of pending and past cases, and use the threat of stripping Power of Attorney of her Power without concrete proof or evidence except that of the word of mouth of one Adult Service Employee's who has been malicious. In addition, her 90 year old mother and other family members are weeping because of this use of force and violation of civil rights. This cannot be allowed! Especially the lack of regard of her 90 year old mother, who can't travel regularly to see daughter due to distance, being that even though there is one nursing home ACROSS THE STREET from 90 year olds home and about 2 others in walking distance, Adult Services placed her miles away from her. Disgusting abuse of power.
Why is this important?
Does Power of Attorney really provide rights? Who has final say? Adult Protective Services in Bedford Texas has removed a Mother of 3 and grandmother of 5 by force who was residing with her 34 year old son and 90 year old mother even though her POWER OF ATTORNEY clearly outlines she DOES NOT want to be in a Nursing Home.