To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Advocates for the Elderly

Have Medicare allow for a patient Advocate for the elderly to stop waste and abuse of the system. Help those alone and in need in their final days.

Why is this important?

As a single female with no children, I spend the last 2 months of my mother's life, helping her to die in her own home. I then wondered, "who's going to ever do this for me?" Do it with love and compassion and not to make a buck keeping you in a Medicaid bed as long as possible, stripping you of all your assets you've worked your life to acquire. I watched my father and grandmother die that way. Any hospital that would take you did... as long as they could bill Medicaid. At the limit...they find another place to place you.. and it keeps on until you die.
If advocated were given to elders that needed someone to
watch their back, I think Medicare wouldn't get away with sucking the system and then you dry. Statistics show that most people die in poverty. On Government medical assistance... Money for Advocates would serve to make sure that people with no help from friends or family had a person assigned to not let this happen. I saw it sadly through my own eyes... very obvious. Abuse of Medicare through abuse of the patient. I ask that Medicare also be responsible to pay for these advocates and show good faith to their insured, not use them as money makers. These are people with faces. People at the end of their lives, and this is the final respect and care they deserve. I want to be an Advocate, but I can't do it without a salary or guidelines. I'd like to make this an option to Medicare patients. Ask for an Advocate, have one assigned, and this Advocate have access to medical records. Advocate can serve 5 people at the very most. One visit a week, or as needed per patient. $500 a week for an Advocate can save thousands of dollars in Medicare waste and abuse. Seems like a reasonable idea.