To: Vincent Gray, Mayor, Phil Mendelson, Chair District Council, David Catania, At Large Councilmember, Vincent Orange, At Large Councilmember, David Grosso, At Large Councilmember, Anita Bonds, At Large Councilmember, Jim Graham, Councilmem...

Affordable Education in Our Nation’s Capital

We urge the elected leadership of the District of Columbia to act decisively as champions of public education and civil rights to:

• Make public declarations to reassure students and community stake holders that DC will continue to provide public education options which include vocational, two year, four year and advanced degrees for its residents and other students.

•Provide adequate resources in order to stabilize university functions to serve current students and expand enrollment for next semester.

•Provide support and resources to UDC Trustees and Administration to advance a planning process that includes meaningful participation from students (current and alumnae), faculty and community stakeholders, to address the critical issues of predictable revenue, enrollment, student satisfaction and persistence to graduation.

Why is this important?

The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is the only public college in our nation’s capital that confers bachelors and other advanced degrees. The District Council is threatening the existence UDC's four year BA and Masters programs for thousands of district residents and other students who lack the means to attend private colleges. Please join current and former students as well as education advocates in urging the District Council, Mayor and community to support this vital link in the chain of educational and economic uplift.
