To: Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General
AG Eric Holder: Lead a full crackdown on voter suppression measures
Several million Americans will be prevented from voting by a rash of new laws, clearly coordinated and targeted at certain groups. One cannot imagine a graver responsibility for the Attorney General than the protection of fair elections. Therefore, the DOJ must step in, with every available means, to block these laws, and assist in citizen lawsuits in every state where needed.
Why is this important?
The alleged epidemic of "voter fraud" has been completely disproved, as even admitted by some Republicans. Thus, this is clearly a coordinated, systematic GOP program (courtesy of ALEC) to eliminate several million mostly Democratic votes.
The GOP hopes to steal a victory–and more power. They fear they won't win in an honest election process. Surely, this is the largest and worst attack on voting rights and fair elections in our history.
The GOP hopes to steal a victory–and more power. They fear they won't win in an honest election process. Surely, this is the largest and worst attack on voting rights and fair elections in our history.